Kelsey’s PhD graduation

April 29th, 2022

Finally, after years of pandemic restrictions, our PhD student Kelsey had made the trip back from the USA to Tasmania to graduate from her program. The team caught up for lunch with Kelsey and it was so wonderful to see her smiling face again in person. After years of working from home, it was also great for the rest of us to see each other face to face. It has been a long time since we have seen you Kelsey and a lot has changed. But when we all get together it feels like no time has passed at all.

While she was in Tasmania, Kelsey donned a gown and attended her PhD graduation ceremony. Also in attendance were her parents who made the trip from the USA for the occasion. 

A huge congratulations to you Dr. Kelsey on completing your PhD and we cant wait to see what you get up to next!