Visitors to the IORA Blue Carbon Hub arrive in Perth
In July the IORA Blue Carbon Hub welcomed several visitors from the Indian Ocean to the IOMRC Office in Perth.
On the 11th July, five successful early career visiting professionals from Indonesia, Bangladesh, South Africa and Tanzania arrived in Australia. They have spent the last three weeks conducting research projects around blue carbon science or blue carbon finance and will be here until September. Read more about their projects here.

From left to right: Taina Lourerio (S.Africa), Karizki Hadyananfi (Indonesia), Mat Vanderklift (Hub Director), Sundy Ramah (Mauritius), Mussa Ngosha (Tanzania), Upal Mahamud (Bangladesh), Mir Kashem (Bangladesh).
In addition to the current early career professionals, Milica Stankovic from the 2020 early career visiting scientist program cohort, returned to Australia on the 20th of July. She is here to present her work at AMSA and to finalise her project with Nick Mortimer developing a new workflow to use drone imagery to map seagrass. You can read more about the project here.
Finally, the last visitor from the Indian Ocean includes Sundy Ramah who participated in the 2017 Australia Awards fellowship. Sundy is here from the 28th July to 31st August to work on carbon stock measurements from seagrass cores collected in Mauritius, in collaboration with Hub and the University of Western Australia.