Indonesian delegation visits In Situ Laboratory
The CCUS and Hydrogen Collaboration team, who is in the Net Zero Industries Division, within the Australian Federal Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), hosted a delegation from Indonesia’s Directorate General Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) between 21-24 August 2023 in Perth and Canberra for a Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) Study Tour under the Australia-Indonesia Energy Dialogue (AIED) CCUS workstream.

The purpose of the CCUS Study Tour was to facilitate ongoing Australia-Indonesian collaboration and knowledge-sharing in CCUS policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, visit CSIRO’s in-situ laboratory research facility and gain further regulatory, technical and operational insights into the Gorgon CO2 project.
In addition, the CSIRO ISL visit hosted a site visit on 21st August, the delegation comprised key representatives from DCCEEW and DISR, NOPTA, NOPSEMA, Geoscience Australia, the CSIRO, WA Government and Chevron.
The MEMR delegation was extremely engaged and had fascinating, in-depth discussions on how Australia’s CCUS regulatory regime and cross-cutting issues were managed.
It was great to support a Team Australia approach to the visit and look forward to further engagement wit the delegation.