Conference wrap up: AEP 2024
Our CSIRO energy experts spent this week speaking to industry and community at the Australian Energy Producers annual conference held in Perth.

CSIRO booth with live DAS demonstration (right corner)
The conference provides a platform for leading energy producers, policymakers, and industry experts to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and trends in energy production. For researchers, it offers valuable insights into how the industry is evolving, particularly for decarbonisation of the energy industry whilst maintaining energy security for the nation.
At the CSIRO booth was a new community engagement experiment that showcased the research activities being done at In-Situ Laboratory. A live demonstration was performed on the Data Acquisition System that is also located onsite at the In-Situ Laboratory. The ADAS demonstration provided real time demonstration of how energy producers can tackle carbon emissions through CCS technologies. As Australia moves toward more stringent carbon reduction goals, demonstrating a working DAS can show industry stakeholders that CCS is a viable solution for capturing and storing CO₂ emissions, which is a crucial part of their decarbonization strategies.