CCUS briefing to WA Parliament
June 2023

CSIRO Energy representatives with WA Chief Scientist, Professor Peter Klinken outside Parliament House
CSIRO Energy representatives with WA Chief Scientist, Professor Peter Klinken outside Parliament House
As part of CSIRO’s strategic engagement with key WA government stakeholders, the Energy BU provided a Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) briefing to WA Parliamentarians at Parliament House along with the WA Chief Scientist, Professor Peter Klinken on Tuesday 13th June.
Allison Hortle, Linda Stalker, Andrew Ross, Amy Ruddock and Bianca Moiler represented the BU, starting the conversation with an icebreaker for the participants that included tim tams and aero bars to demonstrate porosity and permeability in an easily digestible manner.
There was interesting dialogue in the room with a range of background views from the parliamentarians coming into the myth busting briefing – extending from critical to those broadly supportive and seeking to identify what policy settings are required/what are the challenges to be addressed to attract and develop new industry and opportunities. All up a good opportunity to build the State’s understanding of CCUS and engage with CSIRO as trusted advisor.