GLASS Busy Week February 2020

The next GLASS Busy Week will be held in February 2020 in beautiful Hobart, at the University of Tasmania. Some details are provided below, with more to come soon. Please register through the Google Form here.


11 – 14 February 2020


The University of Tasmania, Hobart


UTas is hosting a busy week for all GLASS collaboration members. The purpose of the busy week is maintain momentum, continue work and collaborations from previous Busy Weeks.  Aims include updating the collaboration on the status of the project, discussing GLASS science, learning how the data is reduced, discussion around technical issues, and making substantial inroads into draft papers.

In particular we will:

  • Get status updates on GLASS, and other G23 projects (e..g MWA, uGMRT, GAMA, ASKAP) and their data
  • Discuss GLASS science, what we want to do with the data
  • Work on technical issues such as imaging and source extraction
  • Continue analysis for papers and work on drafts

This busy week is aimed at all GLASS collaboration members. This is an excellent opportunity to bring the collaboration face-to-face. We invite participation from those already involved with the GAMA G23 field observations and science – new team members are always welcome.


Draft agenda TBD

11 – 14 February 2020

We will attempt to have some overlapping time to collaborate with our Euro and South African GLASS members, but AEDT makes the timing difficult. Still TBD.


Minh Huynh or Kate Chow


Registration is now open but will close on 31 Jan 2020. Please register using the GLASS Busy Week Registration Form. There is no registration fee.


Coming soon