Tree, network and graph visualisations

Here are some examples of data visualisations we’ve developed using tree, network and graph visualisations.

Collaboration network

We’ve designed a number of network and graph visualisations. A notable example being the CSIRO Network platform which features a collaboration network visualisation for each person in CSIRO based on ‘collaboration units’ (people, projects, teams) and collaborators. The demo below shows a user interacting with the network visualisation to explore collaborators.

The figure below shows the design process from Version 1 to Version 6 (current). The result is a visualisation that helps users understand the connection between a person and their collaborators via activities and outputs they are involved in – publications, projects and functional teams.

SISSVoc visualise

For controlled vocabularies, we worked with students at Monash University to designed a tree visualisation to help users traverse and understand relationships between concepts.


Australian Open Data Survey 2016 pilot

We developed a network graph visualisation as part of a pilot study on availability and variability of Open Data assets in Australia to explore clusters of keyword correlations. The graph below shows keyword correlations across open data initiatives in government (state and federal) and research (NCRIS, CSIRO and others), where the correlation co-efficient was 0.7.

The keyword correlation graph visualisation was useful also to explore individual repositories. The 3 visualisations below show keywords used across datasets in the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP), NSW OEH and ALA’s repositories. They convey a specific ‘signature’ based on the keywords tagged in each dataset and provides users with a sense of what data is available.


Digital asset audit

Our group developed a network visualisation of data storage at CSIRO as part of a data audit across our Business Unit. The team developed a network visualisation to files shares (green) and owners (red) showing collaboration across groups and individuals. The result is a tool that users can explore and gain understanding of connections between people via file shares.