Introducing our Educator on Board – Simone Burzacott-Gorman
I have the privilege of engendering a love of Science in girls attending Wilderness School, Adelaide, South Australia, teaching Year 7-10 Science and 11 – 12 Biology.
I was inspired to apply for the RV Investigator as research links with students is an exciting and authentic avenue to enable students access to the Science of life. Ocean environments are some of the least described and most fragile on Earth. This realm holds students captivated by its mystery and biology. As education is often herald as the saviour for environmental issues, finding direct links between curriculum and researchers in the field is an endeavour that has the potential to fundamentally change the way we use, value and understand the ocean.
I am most excited to see first-hand ‘science in action! Specifically, opportunities to excite girls in Physics. I am looking forward to understanding the Sound Velocity Profilers Wet Test. I am really interested to see how thermoclines affect sound velocity and the implications this may have for marine mammals.