Day 5: The dredge that didn’t….

By August 11th, 2019

By Olivia Belshaw

Sometimes the results of a dredge are less than fantastic – like this one! Our fifth dredge pulled up kilograms of thick, sticky sediment from the sea floor, but no volcanic rocks. The morning shift team still had to sift through the sediment to check for any small rocks, fossils or fauna. Good thing they all have a sense of humour!

A photo showing an unsuccessful dredge with kilograms of thick, sticky sediment from the sea floor, but no volcanic rocks.

Kilograms of thick, sticky sediment from the sea floor, but no volcanic rocks.

Left photo (from left to right) – Edward Clennet (University of Sydney), Ben Mather (University of Sydney), Dushyendra Asaithamby (University of Tasmania), Chantelle Ridley (University of Tasmaniaand Quinn Anderson (University of Sydney).

Lower right photo – Ben Mather (University of Sydney)