Introducing Chris La Rosa

By October 4th, 2019

Chris teaches at Tagai State College in the Torres Strait.

Chris La Rosa

Chris teaches at Tagai State College in the Torres Strait.

What is your teaching focus?

I live on Thursday Island where I work as a writer of science curriculum and teach Conservation & Land Management. Previously I was the Head of Science at the Secondary School here on the island where I taught STEM, Biology, Aquatic Practices and general science across the year levels.

What inspired you to be part of the Educator on Board program?

I was inspired to apply for the position of Educator on Board after friends on social media brought it to my attention. Those who know me, know that I am passionate about science and that I’m always up for travel and adventure, so I jumped at the opportunity to participate in a CSIRO research voyage.

What are you most looking forward to seeing aboard the vessel?

I’m excited about being involved in real, frontline science and bringing that to the wider community.