Nyinggulu Indigenous Ecological Knowledge

October 25th, 2021

Nyinggulu Traditional Owners, CSIRO and the WA Government developed the Nyinggulu Seasons calendar.

This project implemented Indigenous seasonal calendar methodology, developed and tested over time by CSIRO in partnership with many language groups across Australia. The Nyinggulu Seasons calendar supports joint management of the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area.

Indigenous-led documentation and synthesis of Nyinggulu ecological and cultural knowledge drove creation of this highly engaging resource that showcases Nyinggulu Traditional Owner knowledge of the biodiverse and well-loved Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area.

The Nyinggulu Seasons calendar is an innovative resource to support weaving of knowledge for joint management, and in promotion of Traditional Owner values to the vast numbers of regional visitors.

For more information, contact: Emma.Woodward@csiro.au