Disaster Resilience and Mitigation

December 6th, 2020

We are identifying capability gaps in meeting the broad aims of risk assessment and mitigation for natural disasters.

Commissioned by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) for the Australian and New Zealand Emergency Management Committee (ANZ EMC), we conducted workshops and detailed interviews with key stakeholders and research providers, workshops, supplemented by various policy documents and literature to produce:

  • A partial stakeholder systems analysis, identifying key stakeholders, main roles and decisions, influence pathways, constraints and enablers, and processes/tools and data needs.
  • A ‘map of needs’ or ‘theory of change’ with future activities, outputs and outcomes to move towards a long-term goal of disaster mitigation.
  • Identified gaps in tools and capability for implementing risk management processes.

To find out more, see: https://research.csiro.au/eap/agd-disaster-risk/