HyLogger 3

November 3rd, 2021

The HyLogger spectral scanner is a rapid spectroscopic logging and imaging system that uses continuous visible and infrared spectroscopy and digital imaging to examine cores.
  • The HyLogger spectral scanner is a rapid spectroscopic logging and imaging system that uses continuous visible and infrared spectroscopy and digital imaging to examine cores, samples and cuttings without destroying them in the process.
  • HyLogging is a highly automated technology designed by CSIRO to determine drill core mineralogy using rapid reflectance spectroscopy at 400–2500 and 6000 – 14,500 nm wavelength regions.
  • The HyLogger-3 system is capable of detecting common rock-forming minerals (feldspar, quartz, pyroxene, garnet, olivine, carbonate and phosphate), as well as iron oxides and a number of hydroxyl-bearing minerals (micas, chlorites, amphiboles, clays and sulfates).
  • It is one of seven instruments in Australia that together make up the AuScope National Virtual Core Library (NVCL) consortium