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Real-time carbon emissions intensity of the National Electricity Market

The global emissions intensity model uses a graph-based flow tracing algorithm to trace consumed electricity to its origin of production. This allows accurate carbon accounting of electricity consumption across various levels, ranging from micro levels such as site or building-based consumption to macro levels such as regional consumption. This model computes values over a five-minute period and is configured to yield five distinct time-series outputs for each National Electricity Market region.
Electricity production is a significant contributor to global energy-related emissions. Understanding the dynamic nature of grid emissions intensity – the emissions per unit of energy consumed – is essential for devising effective emissions reduction strategies and, for example, for moving beyond net-zero-emissions to 24/7 zero emissions. This model addresses this need, offering near-real-time consumption-based emissions intensity estimates. Input data is sourced directly from the market operator and comprises real-time generator supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) data, interconnector power flow/losses and regional demand data. The generator carbon emissions intensity factors cover both Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions (and 2 for semi-scheduled generators only). This data, when integrated with region-fuel-specific generator emissions factors, enables the estimation of time-dependent consumption-based emissions intensity of the power consumed across the five regions of the NEM.
Link : Real-time carbon emissions intensity of the National Electricity Market. AgData Shop (
Contact Person(s):

Mark Goldsworthy
Senior Research Scientist, Local Energy Networks