WinSCP download via S3

You will need to install WinSCP to download files via S3 Client. WinSCP is free software.

Automatic option

This option will automatically add the Download Information into WinSCP, saving you time. You will not need to learn how to enter the information. If you are experiencing any errors, try the manual option.

Choose “Open S3 Client”.


This will launch the installed WinSCP software as demonstrated in Download Using S3 Compatible Software.

A message will display on screen “Connecting to host, starting the session, reading remote directory”

It will automatically populate WinSCP with the details (protocol, server, port, access keys, region and remote directory) from when you chose “Open S3 Client”

Proceed to download your files.

The interface will show the collection files on the right-hand panel.

You may have to navigate to your preferred storage location on the left-hand panel before downloading the files.

You can drag and drop, selected or all, files from the right-hand panel to your destination on the left.  Alternatively, you can drag from the right-hand panel to an open Windows File Explorer.

Manual option

Please use the manual option if this is your preferred method or if the automatic option fails.

Open WinSCP on your desktop.


On the Files tab of the Data Access Portal, the Download information is provided to add manually to WinSCP.

Note: The Download Information is unique to a download request for a collection. The screenshot is provided here to illustrate the download process and copying this information exactly will cause an error. 


Choose “New Site”

Add the details from “Download Information” into Login (file protocol, hostname, port number, access key id, secret access key).

  • The clipboard icon will copy the information for the field and then you can paste (Ctrl+V or right mouse click and choose paste from the menu) it into the corresponding field.

Choose “Advanced”


Add the “remote directory” from “Download Information”


Choose “OK”

This will take you back to the New site screen.

Choose “Login”

Proceed to download your files.

The interface will show the collection files on the right-hand panel.

You may have to navigate to your preferred storage location on the left-hand panel before downloading the files.

You can drag and drop, selected or all, files from the right-hand panel to your destination on the left.  You can also drag from the right-hand panel into Windows File Explorer.

Improving download speeds

WinSCP will perform best if you increase the number of transfers that can be made simultaneously.

  1. Open WinSCP
  2. If you are prompted to “Login”, go to “Tools” → “Preferences”
  3. If instead you are taken to the main WinSCP window, go to “Options” → “Preferences”
  4. Navigate to “Transfer” → “Background”
  5. Set “Maximal number of transfers at the same time” to the maximum of “9”
  6. Check the box to “Transfer on background by default”