Cyberduck download via S3

Cyberduck is a free software client that can be used to download files via S3.

Automatic connection

This option will automatically add the Download Information into Cyberduck, saving you time. You will not need to learn how to enter the information.

If you are experiencing any errors, try the manual option below.

    • Select Cyberduck.
      • Cyberduck will open and display the contents of the data collection.  Note that if you have previously accessed another collection using Cyberduck, the software may attempt to re-open that connection as well.  If the credentials to access the previous collection have expired then the old connection will return an error.  This should not affect the new connection you have just created, you can safely close the older connection.

    You can download files the following ways:

    • Drag and drop a selection into Finder / Windows Explorer
    • Double-click a file
    • Right click a selection and choose a download option.

    Manual configuration – MacOS

    • Open the Cyberduck application.
    • Click on the Bookmarks button, the click the “Add new Bookmark” button”
    • Note: The “Open Connection” option in Cyberduck does not allow the configuration required to download collections from the CSIRO Data Access Portal; a bookmark must be used.


    • Select “Amazon S3” from the protocol dropdown list
    • Add the collection name in the “Nickname” field
    • Add Server value from the S3 connection details to the “Server” field
    • Add the Access Key value from the S3 connection details to the “Access Key ID” field
    • Add the Secret Access Key value from the S3 connection details to the “Secret Access Key” field
    • Expand the “More Options” section
    • Add the Remote Directory value from the S3 connection details to the “Path” field
    • Close the window to save the bookmark


    Note that this screenshot contains an example access key that will not work

    • Double click on the newly created bookmark.


    • You can double click files to download them to your Downloads folder, or drag and drop a selection into Finder.


    Manual configuration – Windows

    • Open the Cyberduck application.
    • Click the “Open Connection” button


    • Select “Amazon S3” from the options


    • Enter the “server” value, i.e. “”
    • Copy and paste your “Access Key” and “Secret Access Key” values
    • Copy the “Remote Directory” value and paste it into “Path”.  You may need to click the “More Options” arrow to reveal this section.


    Note that this screenshot contains an example access key that will not work.

    • Click “Connect”
    • The contents of the DAP collection will be displayed


    • You can double click files to download them to your Downloads folder, drag and drop a selection into Windows Explorer, or right-click a selection and choose a download option.