Download as TAR Archive


This download option is only available for:

  • ATNF Pulsar Observation search results or collections
  • AAH Virus Image search results or collections

This option is only available where individual files are no larger than 8GB.

Tar is a standard format used on Unix and Unix-like systems.  If you want to use Tar files on Windows, try 7-Zip.

Download as TAR Archive from Domain Search Results

The following examples use results from the ATNF Pulsar Observation Search, but the same process also applies to the Virus Image Search – Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP).

  1. Select the files you want from the domain search results.

    If an individual file is more 8GB use Download Using S3 Compatible Software.  Access these methods from the individual collections by clicking either the Project link (ATNF Pulsar Observations) or the SAN-Specimen No. link (AAHL Virus Images).


  2. Click the Download button.
  3. Select the Download selected files as TAR archive option and click Request files.
  4. Review the licence conditions.  Links to more detailed information about the licence(s) appear below the description.
  5. If you agree to the licence conditions, check the acknowledgement box and click Accept.
  6. Your browser will prompt you to download the tar file.

    If the total file size you have selected is close to 2GB there may be a small delay between accepting the licence and the file download starting.

Download as TAR Archive from ATNF and AAHL Collections

  1. Go to the Files tab of the collection.
  2. Select the files you want where individual files are no larger than 8GB.

    If an individual file is more than 8GB use Download Using S3 Compatible Software.


  3. Click the Download button.
  4. Selected the Download selected files as TAR archive option.
  5. Click Request files.
  6. Review the licence conditions.  Links to more detailed information about the licence appear below the description.
  7. If you agree to the licence conditions, check the acknowledgement box and click Accept.
  8. Your browser will prompt you to download the tar file.

    If the total file size you have selected is close to 2GB there may be a small delay between accepting the licence and the file download starting.