Search by Keyword


Search by keyword is the default search function on the DAP home page.

Using boolean search parameters

You can use Boolean search parameters (AND, OR, NOT) to increase the precision of your search.

Boolean search operators need to be in ALL CAPITALS.


The default search is AND.

This means results containing all the search terms you enter will appear.

For example, if you enter WATER SOIL as a keyword search, all of the results will contain both the word WATER and the word SOIL in one of the fields.


You can use OR to modify the default search behaviour.

OR means either.

If you search GRAPE OR VINE, the results will contain either the word GRAPE or the word VINE. Some results will likely contain both words.


You can also modify the default search behaviour with NOT.

NOT tells the search to overlook all potential results that contain a particular word.

If you search NOT GRAPE, the results will contain all records in the Data Access Portal that do not contain the word GRAPE.

This is more useful when used in combination with other keyword searches.

For example, if you search VINE NOT GRAPE, all results will contain the word VINE, but none will contain GRAPE.

Search results

Upon searching you will be able to see a list of collections matching your keyword. For each collection you will also see a brief collection description, published date, and authors. You will also see an indication of the nature of the collection (data, software, or service), and whether or not the collection is openly available or restricted. Click on the title to access the full collection description and files.

Refining Results

The filter facets on on the left hand side of the search results page can be used to further filter on the search by:

  • Published date
  • Files I can access
  • Collection type
  • Domain type
  • Licence type
  • Category
  • Person
  • Project

Restricted Access

The padlock in the green collection type box indicates that the data contained within the collection is restricted:

RSS Feed

You can subscribe to the RSS feed from the search results page by selecting the RSS feed icon at the top of the page.