CASDA Skymap Search

Overview | CASDA Skymap Search | Catalogue Summary | Popup summary | Aladin-Lite


The complete CASDA User Guide can be found at and covers alternate access methods such as Virtual Observatory tools and scripted/automated access.

This search facility allows users to search for Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) data taken from the facility in Western Australia, using an interactive Aladin-Lite sky map.

CASDA Skymap Search

To conduct a Skymap search:

  • Use the Target to select a location using object name or co-ordinates.
  • Select a Catalogue Type to display all catalogues of that type which are held in CASDA. These are indicated on the Skymap with a red square.
    Click the ‘i’ icon to see a description of each Catalogue Type.
  • The selection of a red square is indicated by a green square. Note: this functionality may not be available in Internet Explorer – please try Chrome or FireFox.
  • Once a selection is made the details are displayed below the Skymap. The details will depend on the selected Catalogue Type.
  • Image(s) relevant to the Catalogue Type will be displayed in the thumbnail where available. Initial image loading may take a while, but images are cached so reloads will be quick.


The default position is NGC 7232. Enter an Object Name or RA and Dec to re-centre the view.

Catalogue Type

Catalogue Types Item Details Item Preview
Continuum Component

Continuum Island

  • Name
  • RA (J2000)
  • Dec (J2000)
  • Peak Flux
  • Integrated Flux
  • Major Axis
  • Minor Axis
  • Position Angle
  • Continuum image

RA and Dec scales.

A red ellipse is displayed over the image.
This is centred over the source and aligned
with the major and minor axes.

Spectral Line – Absorption
  • Name
  • RA (J2000)
  • Dec (J2000)
  • Frequency
  • Redshift
  • Width at Half-peak
  • Peak Optical Depth
  • Integrated Optical Depth
  • Spectrum
  • Moment Map
Spectral Line – Emission
  • Name
  • RA (J2000)
  • Dec (J2000)
  • Velocity
  • Integrated Flux
  • Width at half-peak
  • Major Axis
  • Minor Axis
  • Position Angle
  • Spectrum
  • Moment Map
  • Name
  • RA (J2000)
  • Dec (J2000)
  • Stokes-I Flux
  • Peak Polarised Intensity
  • Faraday Depth
  • Polarisation Angle at Zero Wavelength
  • Polarisation Fraction
  • Continuum image

RA and Dec scales.

A red ellipse is displayed over the image.
This is centred over the source and aligned
with the major and minor axes.

Item Summary

Select View item summary to open a new tab with the Catalogue Summary. The summary provides details of catalogues for all data products available for the source.

Click Download source files to access associated source files (you must be logged in).

Parent Image

Select View parent image to view a popup summary with details of the parent image.

Catalogue Summary

To view the catalogue summary, select View item summary after selecting a source on the CASDA Skymap Search. The summary contains details about the available catalogues for all Catalogue Types for the selected source.

Click Download source files to access associated source files (you must be logged in).

Popup summary

The popup summary is a summary of the file selected on the CASDA Observation Search Results or the CASDA Skymap Search.

The display depends on the type of data product. See CASDA Image Cube Summary for an example of an Image Cube file.


Coordinates – J2000 (default) or Galactic.

Base image layer – default is the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Epoch Survey 1 Low Stokes I ( 887.5 MHz). Users can select from other available options.

Overlay layers

  • Reticle – default is checked to display the centre point of the view. Users can uncheck to not display.
  • HEALPix grid – default is unchecked. Users can check to display the grid.


  • Pan – Use the mouse to move the view.
  • Zoom – Use the + and – buttons on the right side, or the mouse wheel, to move in or out. Default Field of View is 2 degrees.
  • Full screen – use arrows in top right of screen to open and close a full screen view.