CASDA Cutout Service

The Cutout Service allows astronomers to generate cutouts from curated survey datasets which are in the CSIRO ASKAP Data Archive (CASDA).

Currently available surveys are:

  • Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS)
    • RACS-low DR1
    • RACS-mid DR1

You can use this service to create cutouts around target objects from image data sets curated by survey science teams:

  • Enter cutout parameters
  • Either resolve an ‘Object name’ or enter the target coordinates. Decimal coordinates need to have at least one decimal place.
  • Multiple surveys may be selected.
  • When you click ‘Generate cutout’ the surveys’ images will be queried to find those overlapping the region of interest.

CASDA Cutout Service Results:

  • A tab is shown for each selected survey which has data for the region.
  • The list of potential cutouts are shown sorted in increasing distance of the centre of the source image from the target, but the results can be sorted.
  • Click the “download” iconto download the cutout in FITS format.

New Cutout:

  • Click “Options” and then “Refine cutout” from the cutout results page to change the existing cutout parameters.
  • Click on “Clear form” to clear all parameters after you have returned to the cutout page.

Cutouts from specific image cubes

  • CASDA is also able to produce cutouts from specific image cubes of interest.
    You can use the ASKAP Observation Search to find the right image cube and then use the “cutout” icon to request a cutout.

Cutout Service – parameter selection

Screen shot of the Cutout Service parameter selection

Cutout Service – results

Screenshot of the Cutout Service results selection