
Overview | Collection description | Access | Permalink and cite as | Versions | Collection withdrawn


The description contains the who, what, when, how and why a collection was created. It aids the discovery, understanding and conditions of use for the collection.

Collection description

In addition to the mandatory fields for title, contributors and description the collection may include:

  • A map of the geographical area associated with the data.
  • Start and end dates for the data.
  • Access conditions or how to access restricted or embargoed files.
  • Lineage for how the data was produced.
  • Credit recognises the contributions of people and organisations.
  • Location details for the geographical area associated with the data.
  • Related links provides links to additional information such as a project website, publication (report or journal article) or discovery of all collections in a series.
  • Supporting files can help you understand the data or includes a supplementary licence for conditions of use. Attachments can be downloaded.
  • About this project includes a description of activities, who was involved and funding.


The access statement indicates access conditions to a collection’s metadata and/or files.

If a collection has an embargo it will state the end date of the restriction.

If a collection has restricted files instructions are provided to phone or email the contact person to discuss access.

Permalink and cite as

The permalink, on the right-hand side of the description page, is a persistent URL that will resolve to the version of the collection you are viewing.

To attribute a collection, copy the ‘cite as’ and insert the reference into a publication.


If you click on the DOI link for a collection from another internet site, the link will always resolve to the version associated with that DOI.

If there is a new version of the collection available, there will be a link to the newest version on the Description Tab.

Pop up message from Description Tab: "New version available. Do you want to view the most recent version of this item? Yes/No"

Collection withdrawn

In the rare event that a collection may have been withdrawn, the link will resolve to a page with the collection title and display a withdrawn message.