
Browse by Field of Research

You can use the Categories function to browse through DAP collections by the Field of Research code that has been applied to them. To access this functionality, click on CATEGORIES at the top right:


You can then select Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) Field of Research Code that interests you.

You can browse through the two digit classification on the left, and the six digit codes on the right.


  • Select from “Fields of Research” list.

Browse by Keyword

You can also browse by Keyword. The interface for this functionality is located in the left hand column of the Categories page, below the two digit Field of Research code browse.

The keyword word cloud displays terms of different sizes and boldness in the word cloud. The larger and darker a word is, the more often it appears in the Data Access Portal.

To access this functionality-

  • Click on the Categories tab
  • Click on any keyword from the keyword word cloud


The results will be collections that have been classified with the Keyword you have selected.