Advanced Search

Overview | Access Advanced Search | Search criteria | Combining search criteria | Limit results 


The Advanced Search feature gives you control over how you search for collections in the DAP. It provides different search criteria and multiple options for combining them and limiting your results, so that you can find what you’re looking for. 

Access Advanced Search 

To access the Advanced Search page, click on Advanced Search under the Search button on the Home page or from the Simple Search results: 

Search criteria 

The first section of the Advanced Search page provides a drop-down list with a selection of search criteria. You can enter free text to search by these criteria. 

Search criterion Searches 
Collection Title Text in collection title 
Author Names of lead researcher and contributors 
Collection Description Text in collection description only (does not search any additional metadata fields) 
Keywords Keywords 
Research Organisation Names of collaborating organisations 
Project Name Text in project name. This search criterion is only available to CSIRO staff and affiliates when logged into the DAP. 

Combining search criteria 

These search criteria can be combined to make complex searches. There is a second drop-down menu of search operators and an +Add Row button that can be used to do this. 

Search operator May also be familiar as 
All of these words AND 
Any of these words OR 
The phrase “ ” 
Without these words NOT 
Without this phrase NOT “ ” 

You can add new rows and select different search operators and/or different search criteria to construct your search. 

Limit results 

The second section allows you to limit the results your search returns using a variety of search limiters. You can use these limiters in combination with the search criteria or independently. 

Limiter Limits to 
All published collections All published collections with metadata you have access to, including embargoed collections and collections with restricted files 
Only collections with files I can access Only published collections with metadata and files you have access to, not including embargoed collections and collections with restricted files 
Include archived versions of collections If unselected, search is limited to current versions of collections only. If selected, search also includes previous archived versions of collections.  
Published from/Published to Collections published within a specific date range 
Domain type Collections from a specific scientific domain 
Collection type Collections of a specific type (data, software, or service) 
Categories Collections associated with specific Fields of Research (FOR) from the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) 
Business Unit/Team Collections that are associated with a specific Business Unit or Team. This limiter is only available to CSIRO staff when logged into the DAP. 
Permanent Identifier Collections with a specific permanent identifier. You can search using a single permanent identifier or a list of identifiers separated with commas.