Release History

2.40 (22 February 2024)

Contributor’s organisation displayed in hover text on the collection landing page.
User guide public content migrated to WordPress.

File downloads

  • Implemented Globus file transfer option
  • Optimised zip file downloads for download speed


  • Marine National Facility End of Voyage enabled for object storage deposits
  • Error message added for ATNF project code validation
  • Contact moved to Access section and use of generic emails enabled
  • Withdrawal added to actions in My Collections
  • History added to actions in My Collections
  • Version column added to My Collections
  • “Draft – requires revision” filter added to My Collections
  • Depositor notes history added to approval modal
  • Access keys maintenance added to My Profile

Technical and administration

  • Elastic Search has been upgraded
  • Database consolidation completed with migration to Postgres
  • Collection migration completed from tape to object storage for all collections including generic, Pulsar, Virus Images and Marine National Facility End of Voyage
  • Tape storage decommissioned for deposit and downloads
  • Prototype of internal-only dashboard for view and download usages metrics
  • Logging as a Service reporting requirements
  • org enhancements
  • Administrator metadata editing features:
    • Embargo date
    • Add or Remove users / groups access for an embargoed collection
    • Add or Remove users / groups access for Specified Users
    • Update attribution statements to reflect Contributor changes
    • Update Contact
    • Collection withdrawal
    • User survey administration feature

2.39 (13 October 2023)

Australian National Herbarium Specimen Image Search released under the Scientific Domain National Research Collections Australia (NRCA)

File downloads

  • 64 bit ZIP enabled to increase downloads up to 10GB and less than 3,000 files
  • Object storage downloads enabled for Pulsar observations
  • Object storage downloads enabled for Virus images

Preconfigured command line download commands for rclone or AWS CLI​DAP homepage

  • Change look and number of Featured collections
  • Move keyword and location search to a single bar
  • Recent collections removed
  • Scientific domains homepage update with image tiles
  • Re-label Browse with Categories
  • Re-label to Scientific Domains
  • Remove CoreTrustSeal from homepage footer


  • My Collections reorganisation to columns and default sort order
  • ‘Recall from approver’ action in My Collections added to allow a submitted collection to be returned to draft for editing
  • Supporting documentation text file format added
  • Pulsar Observations enabled for object storage deposits
  • Virus image enabled for object storage deposits

2.38 (15 June 2023)

CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive in Science Domains new look design.

Sign In new look and implementation of multifactor authentication for CSIRO staff.

‘Domain type’ facet added to search results.

CSIRO Visual identity update implemented.

File downloads

  • Email address requirement removed for file downloads as files available immediately
  • Download Information Package includes metadata folder with file manifest, checksums, Dublin core metadata
  • Generic collection downloads enabled on S3 object storage (excluding Scientific Domains and Marine National Facility End of Voyage records)
  • S3 file transfer clients implemented
  • WebDAV for download deprecated
  • ZIP file name change to prevent download error due to long filename


  • Generic collections (excludes Scientific Domains) enabled for object storage deposits
  • Uploading file automatic protocol population for S3 file transfer clients
  • ‘New deposit’ form relocated within My Collections
  • Ability to add a pre-existing licence for Specified user and CSIRO only restricted collections

Technical and Administrative

  • Deposit – Removal of storage requirements due to deprecated tape storage infrastructure
  • National Research Collections Australia – deposit type for Specimen images
  • Deprecate old UI Administrator functionality
  • Update infrastructure with Puppet to manage Apache
  • Collection maintenance
    • S3 location added
    • Draft – template added

2.37 (21 February 2023)

Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) Fields of Research 2020 implemented replacing 2008 version. 

Accessibility: fixed tabbing in search pages and focus indicators 


  • Increase windows upload up to 1GiB for individual files 
  • Accessibility fixed tabbing in deposit pages 

Administration and Technical 

  • Added the following Administration functionality from old user interface: Collection history, Handle management 
  • Deprecated DOI review task from Administration functionality 
  • Began staged migration of collections to S3 object storage 
  • Implemented files policy for S3 object storage 
  • Access keys implementation for S3 object storage 
  • Dublin Core metadata file implemented for Downloads in S3 object storage 
  • Fedora decommissioning by expanding Dublin Core fields for XML file 
  • National Biodiversity DNA Library task to enable S3 object storage  
  • National Research Collections Australia tasks to enable metadata schema  
  • Search engine optimisation improving 
  • Research Data Planner decoupled from Data Access Portal application  

2.36 (15 September 2022)

‘Cite as’ DOI changed to a URL 


  • Standard software licences added for Software Collections 
  • Services order can be set by depositor for Service Collection type 
  • Marine Community Profile metadata schema Distribution validation check 

Technical and administration 

  • Administration function migration from old user interface: Withdrawn status, System tasks, Licence management, Organisational hierarchy 
  • Code refactoring for S3 object storage implementation  
  • Collection types added for S3 object storage implementation 
  • S3 connectivity health check 
  • Search engine optimisation enhancements 
  • National Biodiversity DNA Library implement deposit collection type 
  • DataCite DOI health check feature 

v2.35.4163 (2 June 2022)

Development continued decommissioning the old Data Access Portal user interface focusing on the functions for system administrators including:

  • Banner text
  • Organisation names
  • Lookup table management
  • Funding sources
  • User management

Work continues getting the Data Access Portal ready for different storage infrastructure including:

  • Remove dap common & dap common api
  • Move CASDA Rules from dap common to DAP 

v2.34.4069(02 Feb 2022)

  •– meta tag implementation in the collection headers
  • Vue UI for help field management interface
  • Vue UI for collection admin interface
  • Vue UI for external system tag interface
  • VO Proxy decoupling from DAP Common
  • Direct links to file listing in UI
  • Switch over CASDA rules client (DAP) to use Swagger code gen
  • Vue Deposit UI module includes CASDA Skymap Search
  • Vue Deposit UI module includes CASDA Image Generation Service
  • Transition to open JDK 8

v2.33.3913(21 Oct 2021)

  • Scheduled collection code has been removed from the DAP code base
  • Moved DAP Common API code into DAP Core
  • FTP and SFTP link types have been added to related links
  • Home page has been rewritten by using Vue 
  • Pulsar Solr Service code has been removed from the code base
  • Totalsize attribute has been added to the folders end point
  • Datacollectiontypecode attribute has been added to the collections endpoint
  • Vue Deposit UI module has been modified to add public UI modules
  • DAP Indexer has been moved to DAP
  • Thread deadlock monitor has been added to DAP
  • Restrictions relaxed for public users to access api/v2 endpoints
  • Hibernate has been replaced with JPA
  • ATNF default observation mode has been changed in the domain search
  • Collection landing page has been rewritten by using Vue 
  • ATNF domain search page has been rewritten by using Vue 
  • Browse page has been rewritten by using Vue 
  • Search page has been rewritten by using Vue 
  • Calibration files are made visible in ATNF collections
  • ACDP domain page has been rewritten by using Vue 

v2.32.3686(30 Jun 2021)

  • Enquiries team email address in the emails has been replaced with URL 
  • Non-depositor users can able to access licence endpoint 
  • Collection indexing service has been decoupled from dap common API
  • Country name is displayed in contributor and collaborating organisation drop down lists
  • A clear message has been added on decommissioned pages to redirect to new UI
  • My Defaults and My profile admin pages have been moved from old UI to new UI
  • My Schedules page has been removed from DAP
  • Approver email links are set to navigate to new UI rather old UI
  • Old UI domain search URLs are redirected to new UI
  • More details are added to the response for the external system endpoint
  • New feature flag for S3 functionality has been created
  • New deposit method has been added to service collections
  • Customised page not found pages are created for landing pages which cannot be redirected
  • Browse by category and browse by keywords pages have been moved from old UI to new UI
  • sitemap.xml has been moved to the new UI location
  • Old UI search page URLs with search criteria are redirected to new UI
  • External references (like Google Analytics) of old UI have been removed
  • Project team and team members are now managed in the new UI
  • Old UI authentication is restricted to only admin members
  • An info banner has been added to notify the retirement of DAP old UI
  • Manage My Collection, Search by Location, Deposit, Domain Search and Browse tabs are hidden from old UI
  • Depositor is notified that the re-assignment process will take several minutes when re-assigning a large collection
  • Metadata access restrictions for service type embargoed collections has been changed
  • Tomcat server for DAP has been updated
  • ACDP Virus search has been renamed to Pathogen search
  • Pre published states of CASDA collections are now managed in the public UI
  • MongoDB Server for DAP has been updated
  • Text around user provided licence onscreen help tip and pre-conditions for externally sourced data has been changed
  • All files are displayed while uploading files in the files tab
  • Contact details for all DAP system generated emails has been updated
  • CASDA collection submit process has been moved to new UI
  • Data filter drop down list for level 7 CASDA collections is now hidden

v2.31.3462(31 Mar 2021)

  • Additional meta tags in the header for Item Type and Citation Handle
  • CASDA Submitting for publication and managing pre-published states
  • Managing ACDP Domain search fields for the public user
  • Deprecating lookup values
  • Refactoring of Batch Processing and Encapsulation
  • Inclusion of DOI in Pulsar observation metadata
  • Improving ATNF Observational Searching
  • Ability to assign a current end-user licence when it is not valid
  • Improve management of DAP environment with help text and outage message
  • Enhance UI behaviour around the filter by draft, messaging and help text
  • DAP UI email improvements around a task, advice email and footer

v2.28.2950 (7 Jul 2020)

New User Interface for Self Service Deposit

  • New user interface for Self Serve deposits.
  • New user interface also supports All manage my collections functions- edit, update, copy, reassign, change approver,
  • New user interface available for adding and editing File level Metadata.

Web services

  • Release of the V2 API which support the self-service deposit functions of the user interface.


  • Altmetric and Plumx badges added to the landing pages.
  • Added support for ingesting Marlin3 xmls
  • Simplified entry for type ahead fields. for FOR codes, Contacts and Contributors.
  • Location coordinates on Map can be set using the drawing function.
  • AAHL deposits – renamed to ACDP.
  • Changes in validation  checks  carried out on mandatory fields based on user feedback.
  • Simplification of Project and Organisation detail fields.

v2.24.2112 (18 Dec 2018)

New User Interface

  • Landing page can now display all versions of a collection.
  • Casda search results changed for quality metrics so that it doesn’t show as clickable if no metric information is available.
  • Changed the order of recent collections on the DAP home page (it is now All, Data, Service, Software).
  • Display all DOIs from a CASDA collection on the files tab under “Data Filter”.
  • AAF login added.
  • Added URL and hyperlink to attribution statement on landing page “cite as” section.
  • Extended height of attribution statement box for long attribution statements.
  • Added help link to the “Sign in” box and updated popover text.
  • ATNF project search field now has type ahead support.
  • Expanded results in files tab for domain collection landing pages.
  • Provides a link to the old UI for AAF users if they require it.
  • Folder tree given usability enhancements.
  • DOI handles changed to resolve to the new UI.
  • metadata added to the new UI.
  • Enhancements made to the display of WebDAV credentials for AAF, OPAL and Partners Users.
  • Collection landing page now has a notification if there is a newer version of the collection.

Web services

  • New service to support ATNF project type ahead lookups.


  • zcf and zrf files are now allowed in pulsar collections.
  • Corporate names have been changed to “Organization” type in metadata.
  • Update wording in the link from the old ui to the new.
  • Migrated ATNF file metadata from SOLR to Elastic Search.
  • Additional text added to “How to search data” section of the CASDA observation and ATNF search pages.
  • Reconfigured sitemap.xml and robots.txt to indicate the new UI is now the canonical version of a collection landing page.
  • Updated DataCite schema for DOI creation from v2.2 to v4.1

Support for future ORCID integration

  • Web service endpoint created that returns a list of collections associated with a user’s ORCID ID.
  • Web service endpoint created to update a user profile in DAP after they have registered for an ORCID ID.
  • Web service endpoint created to record ORCID work IDs into DAP.
  • Web service endpoint created to return DAP records associated with collaborators that have an ORCID ID to the ORCID service.
  • ORCID badge has been added to contributor names on the landing page where applicable.
  • Language field added to DAP records being sent to ORCID.
  • Created documentation for the ORCID API in DAP and RPR
  • Work IDs are now carried to new collection versions when created.

v2.23.2034 (25 October 2018)

New User Interface

  • The new DAP user interface that meets the current CSIRO visual identity has been released.
  • Front page allows free text search, location search and browse.
  • Has domain search for ATNF Pulsar, AAHL Virus, CASDA Observation and CASDA skymap.
  • All collections available in the current DAP are findable and viewable in the new UI.
  • The Gallery tab for collections containing images has been significantly improved over the previous UI.

Web services

  • Added support for ATNF, CASDA and AAHL domain searches.
  • New service to retrieve ATNF thumbnails.
  • New service to return paginated list of collection image files for Gallery view.
  • New service to report notifications (ie. banner text) to new UI.
  • New service to download standard collection files in ZIP and TAR archives.
  • New service to download files from an AAHL search result.
  • New service to export collection metadata in Excel format.
  • Added support for ATNF source typeahead lookup.
  • Updated mount endpoint to allow a location parameter.
  • Added delayed zip file creation feature to web mount requests.
  • ATOM format enabled for collections endpoint.
  • Mount service enhanced so that authenticated users can now request any mount type.
  • New service to allow searching for files within a collection.
  • New service to support a keyword cloud.
  • New service that returns current featured collections.

v2.22.1847 (28 June 2018)

  • Improved performance when viewing files for a collection with a large amount of files.
  • Mounted collections no longer missing from admin page.
  • Collections that are less than 1gb in size will be automatically mounted.
  • Added ‘maintenance mode’ for DAP system administrators.
  • Fixed issue where CASDA Skymap was not loading.
  • MNF Publishing can now be restarted on failure.
  • Pulsar Observation search now supports UWL.
  • Security Enhancements.

Web services

  • new endpoint to retrieve FOR codes and counts
  • increased performance of the feature collections endpoint.
  • new endpoint to retrieve commonly used keywords.
  • add additional details to related links endpoint.
  • new endpoint to list the files in collection from for a specific folder.
  • Web mounts via the UI now work with OAUTH.
  • new endpoint to allow better searching on files within a collection.
  • new endpoint that lists available download options.
  • new endpoints to download files from a collection as a zip file.
  • new endpoint to retrieve ‘service endpoints’ for Service.
  • Mount endpoints now allow mounting via File Share, SFTP, Unix Machine and WEB DAV.
  • public / external users can now mount collections via the web services.
  • new endpoint to search for AAHL collection files.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

  • Service endpoints no longer being lost after saving as draft.
  • Failure emails will no longer be sent when the collection is successfully published.
  • EXIF Metadata no longer extracted for files within an MNF collection.
  • When copying a collection the ‘supporting files’ are now also copied.
  • Fix mounting issues for small collections.

v.2.21.1707 (8 March 2018)

  • Added file level metadata searching
  • Added popup notification to file download when no files are selected
  • Changed formatting in approver email notification
  • Facet name changes in file search web service
  • Added recommended collections to collection landing page populated by the recommender service
  • Added analytics around SFTP downloads

v.2.20.1647 (24 Jan 2018)

  • Better handling of repeated mount requests
  • Added Activities list to web service API
  • Added more detail to Collection search web service
  • Web service now allows encoded characters as input
  • Related Materials have been renamed Related Links
  • Added function to clear file level metadata during collection deposit
  • Contributors included in web service search results
  • DOI links are now HTTPS
  • Added OAuth2 authentication to web service api
  • Added field that indicates if data is restricted in web service search
  • Collection search web service can now be filtered by date
  • Added facet filtering to collection web service search
  • Featured collection functionality enhancement
  • REST user password is now visible in on the user’s “My Defaults” page
  • Update the “Access” statement on the landing page
  • Commas can now be used as delimiters for the collection keywords

v.2.19.1489 (5 Oct 2017)

  • Introduction of rest services
  • Introduction of pre-existing license type
  • Changes to tab visibility based on content
  • Changes to attribution statement due to introduction of service endpoints
  • Metadata popups when viewing files via landing page
  • Correction of fonts on services tab of landing page
  • Ability to add metadata to any file type
  • Improve user experience for small collection types
  • Ability to approve all future versions
  • Ability to bypass approval for CSIRO only collections
  • Activity no longer mandatory
  • Psrda data migrated to postgres database
  • Introduction of hyperlinks for the following metadata on the landing page for easy searching
    • Project title
    • Field of research
    • Keywords
    • Lead researcher
    • Contributor

v.2.18.1306 (29 Jun 2017)

  • Added live links in the DAP notification banner
  • Added direct web download link to email that is sent out when mounting a collection
  • Added a conditional drop down list for download of files
  • Status of a collection is now visible when viewing a DAP draft collection
  • Statistical reporting of downloads by IP address
  • Report on download statistics when downloads are via WebDAV
  • Web services
    • Return a list of files of a mounted ‘large’, ‘category D’, ‘mnf_eov’ collections
    • Modify Virtual Observatory Resource schema for a collection
    • Modify access permissions for data and metadata of a draft collection (including embargo period)
    • Search: collections by WBS, Lead Researcher or Contributor, Field of Research, Business Unit, Program, Group or Team
  • Semantic Enablement
    • Mint DOI for data-restricted collection with public metadata
    • Add tags to DAP collection pages
  • Various other enhancements and bug fixes

v.2.17.1151 (15 Mar 2017)

  • Added widget to Landing page files tab for easier file navigation.
  • Added Web Service’s  Swagger.
  • Added the ability to ‘Download All’ data for a collection.
  • Added support to extract partial EXIF metadata from image files.
  • Metadata and licence information is now included as part of a download of DAP assets.
  • User will now be warned if attempting to publish a collection with no data.
  • Data collection FOR codes now retrieved from ANDS RVA-registered ‘Fields of Research’ vocabulary
  • Increased throughput of depositor uploads
  • Added sitemap to allow the site to be easily crawled by search engines.
  • Fixed issue where publishing of a collection fails while minting DOI
  • Fixed issue where previous version data files would be assigned to the latest version.
  • Fixed issue where files would occasionally fail to upload via the UI.
  • Fixed issue where duplicate entries would be displayed for ATNF pulsar searched for collections that have been updated.

v.2.16.1063 (15 Dec 2016)

  • Return the user to the same page after successfully logs into DAP.
  • Enable file search and paginated file loading on Provide Your Data page.
  • Provide map view on Describe Your Data page.
  • Validate new Non-CSIRO authors to reduce duplication on  Create Your Citation  page.
  • MongoDB document structure enhancement.
  • Additional RESTful Web Services for creating and updating Collection.
  • Elasticsearch search engine for DAP  Search Data,  Browse Data  ,  Search By Location  and  search Sensor Network Data.

v.2.15.981 (6 Oct 2016)

  • Web Services : 
    • Collection metadata can now be edited using web service calls. For more information contact
    • Web Services endpoint – activity service to search for activity IDs based on WBS
    • Web services endpoint – Share with other systems services
    • Web services endpoint – User service, for looking up user IDs that can be added to several fields
    • Web service endpoint – Cost centre service, for looking up cost centre codes
    • Web service endpoint – National Facility and National collection lookup service
  • File level metadata: MongoDB is now the database for collection file level metadata. The existing Oracle ADOs records have been migrated into MongoDB. DAP now write to and retrieve file level metadata from MongoDB
  • Project Service:  Switched DAP to connect to new Project service version 2.
  • Large collection UI view:  Limit visualisation of files in a container to the first 1,000 files.
  • Security:  WebDAV authentication more secure – SSL
  • A number of enchantments and bug fixes

v2.14.859 (30 Jun 2016)

  • Web Services : New collections can now be created and published using web service calls. For more information contact
  • Licence Management:  Added Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence to list of available licences.
  • Organisation Service:  Switched DAP to connect to new Org Service available at  which provides authenticated access.
  • Scheduled Collections 
    • Support now available to schedule data ingests for scheduled collections on a  hourly/daily schedule frequency.
    • Scheduled collections can also now be created using the XML Upload interface.
  • Web Services Help API can now also be accessed directly from the DAP Home Page.
  • Several improvements applied relating to rendering of the data file tree on the Files tab.

v2.13.754 (29 Apr 2016)

  • Collection Type – add new software type
  • Web Services – add fields to output
  • RIF-CS – upgrade to v1.6
  • Port RIF-CS generation from DMC to DAP
  • Login attempt cap – implement like RPR solution
  • Meta-visualisation of files on the Data tab

v2.12.642 (11 Feb 2016)

  • Allows Depositor to upload supporting documentation in “Submit for Approval” function.
  • Related materials,  Collaborating Organisations and  Contributors  can be re-ordered using drag and drop.
  • Relaxed approval process for ‘metadata-only’ updates.
  • Validate geospatial coordinates before passing them to ANDS.
  • Data admin page to create links to external repositories.
  • Extended the DAP web service for use with non-public collections.
  • Improved Field of Research (FOR) selection.
  • Included access Rights type vocabulary in RIF-CS feed to RDA.

v2.11.538 (3 Dec 2015)

  • Displays DOI as a full hyperlink.
  • Includes all contributors in Attribution Statement.
  • Ability to change Approver for a submitted Collection.
  • Configurable Collection mount time based on its type.
  • RIF-CS improvements, including licence link, and change of citation name format.

v2.10.534 (2 Nov 2015)

  • Enables Groups to be included as Contact Names.
  • Corporate Names can be included by Depositors in the Authors list.
  • Related Materials section can now include a relevant Attribution Statement.
  • New section added for tracking Funding Sources.
  • Reminder emails for Approvers will be sent.
  • Some RIF-CS improvements were included that followed on from the previous release.

v2.9.477 (August, 2015)

  • DAP User Interface 
  1. Modified help text and added visual cues to assist the user in understanding when files are available for download and what they need to do if certain files are not downloadable to make them available for access.
  2. Publication notification email to Data Depositor will contain metadata on the collection published which can be used to publicise the collection.
  3. Reassign collection notification email to Data Admins will now contain the Data Collection Identifier.
  4. Label indicating the permanent link of the collection landing page has been made clearer. The link has also been made available on the Data tab.
  • RIF-CS improvements :  The RIF-CS feed that harvests DAP collections to ANDS now contains a breakdown of the Data citation elements in its constituents.
  • Licence Management : 
  1. The Creative Commons Licence served by DAP has been updated to version 4 while the previous version has been deprecated.
  2. The Licence Management interface has been updated to serve information depending on whether it is a deposit or a download scenario. This will assist data depositors and consumers with their licence selections.

v2.9.404 (April, 2015)

  • Link metadata to pre-loaded data :   Marine End of Voyage (EoV) data will be loaded into pre-defined storage following a voyage end.  The data depositor is then able to create a metadata record in DAP and link it to the pre-loaded end of voyage data.  The XML file name containing EOV is used to link the DAP record to the pre-loaded data.
  • Tagging records : The previous release allowed new records to be tagged for harvesting by external organisations.  A bulk process has now tagged pre-existing records that contain public metadata for Research Data Australia and TERN Soils

–          Tag added for MARLIN so that Marine Community Profile (MCP) records can be harvested.

  • Marine Community Profile (MCP) :  Data depositor is able to use the self-service deposit to create a Collection which uses the Marine Community Profile schema.

–          Depositor is able to select Marine Community Profile of ISO19115 (MCP) as an option in the “More about this Collection” section of the deposit screen enabling them to construct a valid MCP metadata record.

–        MCP metadata available via web services for individual collections.

  • Upload XML Metadata :  Extension of current ANZLIC XML upload functionality to allow a depositor to upload MCP compliant XML files to create a new draft collection. Successfully uploading a MCP XML file creates a new draft record with relevant fields populated from the XML file, including MCP specific fields in the “More about this Collection” section.
  • My defaults :  Users are able to use the National Facility default value as defined in their My Defaults section while uploading XML metadata to pre-populate the Collection fields.
  • Collection file number limitations :   Support is now available for Collections with up to 100,000 files.  This is an increase from 30,000 files.

v2.8.241 (Dec, 2014)

  • Reassign Data Collections :  Collections in Draft, Embargoed and Published state can have their depositors changed either by original depositor or by the Data Admin.
  • Tag Collections:  Collections can be tagged using an External System Tag. All Public metadata collections are tagged with RDA (Research Data Australia).

v2.7.154 (Nov, 2014)

  • Software Refresh:  Refreshed the core libraries of the Data Access Portal to their latest versions.

v2.7.90 (Sept, 2014)

  • IRP Reform : Applied IRP Reform changes and commissioned the Org Structure Client.

v2.6.5 (July, 2014)

  • Extended Storage Locations: Data Collections can now be stored and accessed from 4 data centres. These Data Centres are Black Mountain, Clayton, Brisbane and Perth.
  • Enhanced Logical Collection Manager  (LCM): The LCM has been enhanced to make data access and storage requests more efficient. This will enable a quicker turnaround time when managing large data sets.
  • Activated use of tape and DMF for DAP collections.

v2.6.1 (April, 2014)

  • Growth Stage Enhancements: Migrated application, storage and data nodes from DMSPILOTx to DAPPRDx-CDC servers.
  • IPV6 connectivity  : Enabled IPV6 connectivity for DAP.

v2.5 (June, 2013)

  • Collection Sizes: Support provided for up to 750GB and a total of 30,000 files per Collection. Support for collection sizes over 1 Terabyte is planned for a future release.
  • ATNF Self Service Deposit  – Replaces the “ATNF Automated Deposit” allowing Pulsar Observations to be stored inside the DAP. Pulsar Observations to be progressively migrated to the DAP. Please check the  ATNF Pulsar Observation Data Availability page for updates.
  • Delete Draft and Rejection Collections  – Data Depositors are able to delete Collections with a status of ‘Draft’, ‘Draft – Requires Revision’ or ‘Rejected for Publication’.
  • Large Collection Access  – Support added to allow users to download up to 2GB of files using a Web Browser. ATNF Collections have the same download methods available to  Large Collections. OPAL users are now able to download  Large Collections.
  • Collection Permalinks  – End users are able to retrieve a URL to the latest version of any published collection.
  • Supporting Attachments  – Data Depositors are able to upload supporting information (e.g. a “readme.txt” file) for the data files uploaded on the  Data Tab. This will not generate a new  DOI  for a new version of an existing published collection

v2.4 (February, 2013)

  • Search By Location  – End users have the ability to search for Collections that contain  location coordinates  by drawing an Area or selecting a Point on a World Map. Search Results may be further filtered with additional search text.
  • Improved Navigation between Search Results  – When a Collection is selected from  search results  obtained from the  Search Data (OLD),  Browse Data (OLD)  or  Search By Location (OLD)  options, it is now possible to navigate to the previous and next search results without returning to the list of search results.
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) –  DOI’s are now easily identifiable when viewing the  Description Tab  on the Landing Page for Public Collections.
  • Open Source Release  – Source Code from Version 2.3 of the DAP released to  SourceForge.

v2.3 (October, 2012)

  • Enhanced Large Collection Access  – Extends the ability to  download Data from Large Collections  (1GB or greater size) to include non-CSIRO users and restricted access Collections (where the user has access to the Collection). Public, Australian Access Federation and CSIRO Partners are able to use SFTP and WebDAV to download Large Collection Data.
  • Web Service Interface  – A RESTful  Web Service Interface  provides the ability to search for Public Collections and download their Data files using a remote application.
  • RSS Feed  – The Search Results page allows you to subscribe to an  RSS feed  showing the most recent Public Collections matching the search criteria entered.
  • RIF-CS Support  – Updated mapping to support RIF-CS v1.3.0 for harvesting of Collection Metadata by the  Australian National Data Service  (ANDS).
  • Deposit Data Improvement  – Collection Titles now allow commas and semicolons.

v2.2 (July, 2012)

  • Large Collection Access  – CSIRO users have the ability to  download Data from publicly available Large Collections  (1GB or greater in size) using File Share or SFTP. Data files may additionally be viewed locally on a UNIX or Windows machine.
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)  – Public Collections automatically have a  Digital Object Identifier (DOI)  minted by the  Australian National Data Service  (ANDS). DOI’s are a persistent and globally unique identifier that can be used to reference a Collection in publications and be used to cite data.
  • Data Citation  – Depositors may nominate non-CSIRO people as Lead Researchers and Contributors for Collections. The Depositor has the ability to add non-CSIRO people and their contact details directly when publishing Collections. An Attribution Statement is generated from the Title, Authors, Publication Year, version and unique identifier (Digital Object Identifier or Persistent Identifier) of the Collection.
  • Data Administration  – include functionality to allow managing DOI generation in updated published public Collections.
  • Scheduled Automated Deposits  – Depositors are able to  schedule automated deposits  for approval. The Depositor may specify how often Data is deposited for a single Collection and how often a new Collection is created in the Data Access Portal.
  • Upload XML Metadata  – Depositors have the ability to  upload XML  files containing ANZLIC metadata to automate the creation of Draft Collections.
  • Software Collections  – Depositors may now deposit  Software Collections  and associated documentation.
  • Sensor Network Data Support  – Depositors may now specify that a Collection contains  Sensor Network Data  using specific Sensor Network metadata fields.
  • Sensor Network Data Search  – This specific search enables end users to  search Sensor Network Data.
  • Image Galleries  – Any Collections containing images are viewable as an  Image Gallery  with the choice of small, medium or large thumbnails.
  • Approval Process  – The  Approval Process  allows the Approver to nominate a third person, an Advisor, to provide advice on whether a Collection should be approved for publishing. The Depositor may request who the Advisor is when the Collection is submitted. The Advisor can be a CSIRO staff member, a CSIRO partner or an AAF collaborator.

v2.1 (December 2011)

  • Self Service Deposit  – A generic interface is provided which allows Depositors to publish new Collections. As well as being able to add Metadata and Data files, the Depositor can select a Data Licence and configure Access Control for the Metadata and Data. Data files are able to be uploaded using SFTP and HTTP (Web Browser). Collection’s may be saved as Drafts and then completed and Published later.
  • Approval Process  – Collections published external to CSIRO undergo an  Approval process  before they can be accessed. This may be bypassed for CSIRO only published Collections.
  • Embargo Controls  – The Depositor may restrict access to the Collection until a specified embargo end date.
  • Collection Management  – Allows Depositors to edit Draft Collections and Update Published Collections. The Data Access Portal stores a complete version history for updated Collections.
  • Generic Search  – A new generic  search  function enables the end user to search through all Collections by entering search criteria (keywords). Search results may be refined using Metadata filters.
  • Browse Collections  – The end user is able to  browse  published collections in the Data Access Portal by the Field of Research.
  • Core Scientific Metadata Model (CSMD)  – Allows multiple metadata schemas to be supported by the Data Access Portal. Metadata schemas (e.g. ANZLIC, Darwin Core, Dublin Core and VO Resource) are now able to be mapped to a common metadata model for storage.
  • Metadata Support  – The Data Access Portal now supports the ANZLIC (Core fields), Darwin Core, Dublin Core and VO Resource metadata standards.
  • AAHL Microscopy Data  – Support is added to  deposit  and  search  for Microscopy Data from the Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL).

v2.0 (Feb 2011)

Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF)  –  Pulsar Observational Data  recorded at the Parkes Observatory is added to the Data Access Portal. Including:

  • Conversion of data into a standard PSRFITS format
  • Transfer of Pulsar Data into the Data Access Portal.
  • Semi-automated  deposit of Pulsar Data.
  • Automated generation of Pulsar Metadata.
  • Automated creation of Collections and assignment of  Australian National Data Service  (ANDS)  Persistent Identifiers  (PIDs).
  • Automated feed of Metadata into the  Australian National Data Service  (ANDS)  Research Data Australia  (RDA) System and Virtual Observatory.
  • Automated de-embargo of Pulsar Data
  • Search facility to enable end users to  search Pulsar Data

v1.0 (Jan 2011)

Water Resource Data Management (WRDM)  – The first release of the Data Access Portal provides Water Resource Data from the CSIRO Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields (MDBSY) project. Including:

  • Tools for converting Raw Data to  NetCDF  format.
  • Transfer of Water Resource Data into the Data Access Portal.
  • Semi-automated deposit of Water Research Data and ANZLIC Metadata.
  • Automated creation of Collections and support for Data Licensing.
  • Support for  Australian National Data Service  (ANDS)  Persistent Identifiers  (PIDs).
  • Automated feed of Metadata into the  Australian National Data Service  (ANDS)  Research Data Australia  (RDA) System and GeoNetworks server.