Collection Development Plan


CSIRO is committed to providing reliable, long-term access to managed data resources to its designated community, now and in the future. The CSIRO Data Access Portal includes nationally significant data assets across a broad range of sciences.


The mission of the Data Access Portal is to provide access to CSIRO’s research data, enable reusability, and ensure long-term preservation and persistence. It was publicly released in 2011 and includes data assets from a broad range of CSIRO’s research areas. 

The objective of the CSIRO Research Data Service is to provide the tools, including the Research Data Planner and Data Access Portal, to enable researchers to action CSIRO’s Management of Research Data principles:

  • Data are a critical asset for CSIRO
  • CSIRO’s research data are to be open and Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) unless otherwise agreed
  • There are obligations that come with data
  • Data should be managed through its life from creation to publication, archiving or deletion.

The Research Data Service will:

  • ensure research data under the custodianship of CSIRO is securely stored, easily located and where appropriate, accessible to others for reuse;
  • provide the ability to publish data to support reproducibility and research integrity;
  • manage data in an increasingly collaborative research environment;
  • respond to government and funding body requirements to share the data rising from publicly funded research.

The service is a collaboration between Information Management Technology teams as well as internal research partners to deliver a holistic solution for the management of research data in CSIRO. The CSIRO Data Access Portal is the point of capture, and discovery portal, for CSIRO’s research data assets.

The CSIRO Data Access Portal optimises the findability of the CSIRO’s research data collections. External systems that harvest the metadata include Data AustraliaGoogle’s Dataset Search and other subject discipline portals.

These principles define the scope, access and licensing of the collections in the Data Access Portal.

Collections that the CSIRO Data Access Portal will accept are from:

  • CSIRO staff
  • External individuals/organisations who collaborate with CSIRO staff
  • External individuals/organisations aligned with CSIRO’s mandate and subject to an approval process, see External Data Applications.

CSIRO Generated Digital Assets

The CSIRO Data Access Portal includes collections originating from research conducted at CSIRO, regardless of funding source. Collections include data, software or web services.

CSIRO staff determine what digital assets are captured in the Data Access Portal based on agreements with funders and publishers also end of project processes.

Definition: What is meant by Research data

Data sets used to inform research in the form of facts, observations, images, computer program results, recordings, measurements or experiences. Data may be numerical, descriptive, visual or tactile. It may be raw, cleaned or processed; generated, acquired, or collated for the work and may be held in any format or media. Data may be collected during research, or while undertaking paid contractual work.

Following Australian Government policy, research data sets should be published unless there are ethical, legal, contractual, security, commercial, or privacy requirements that prevent this.

The CSIRO Data Access Portal includes a flexible permissions framework, supporting several access restrictions, for example, open metadata/open data, open metadata/restricted data, and restricted metadata/restricted data.

External Data

The CSIRO Data Access Portal will accept applications from external individuals/organisations aligned with CSIRO’s mandate and subject to an approval process, see External Data Applications.


Collection: an aggregation of physical and/or digital resources which has meaning in a research context. This includes the research process itself and any resources which support that process. It is linked to the research communications cycle with its associated research outputs of publications. Collections can include data or software.

External data: hosting publicly accessible data

Hosted data: data produced by an external organisation that is not already curated

Published: data with a persistent identifier


Hosting Limited Access Data: The CSIRO Data Access Portal generally does not accept data requiring limitations on use, or where access would be governed by an outside organisation.

CSIRO does not accept data where there is an existing DOI.

Licensing: CSIRO only accepts data when the data contributor grants CSIRO rights to curate, disseminate and preserve or withdraw/delete a copy of the data. (Has completed the CSIRO Data Deposit Conditions form)