Student journey

Meet three of our vacation students
Hear first-hand what spending your summer at CSIRO’s Data61 is like from three of our vacation students. Taj Wedutenko, Olivia Dry and Cedar Lett are part of a cohort of 50 undergraduates working alongside our world-leading researchers to tackle some of our most pressing digital challenges.

A day in the life of three Data61 Vacation Studentship participants
Our Undergraduate Vacation Studentship participants have been immersed in real projects with real impact, supervised by some of Australia’s leading science and tech experts. From thwarting hackers to designing mixed reality experiences, the projects underway are as diverse as the rapidly expanding skillsets of this impressive bunch.

Farina’s PhD journey
Meet Ms Farina Riaz, a postgraduate student at CSIRO’s Data61 who is currently working on quantum artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications. We chat to her about her most impactful projects, career journey, and how STEM industries and research organisations can attract more talented women.

Mars’ PhD journey
Meet data scientist, astrophile, author and virtual universe builder Mars Buttfield-Addison. A PhD candidate based in our Sandy Bay Tasmania office, Mars is applying machine learning methods to detect and track satellites and space debris.