Privacy Statement

Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and CSIRO will handle your personal information in accordance with this Act. We take data privacy seriously and your information will be stored in accordance with our privacy policy (CSIRO and the Australian Privacy Principles – Privacy Policy – CSIRO). 

You are not required to provide any personal information when making a submission. We will ask for your email address, but this will only be used for the purpose of contacting you about your submission. You may make a submission anonymously if you wish. CSIRO requests that you do not include any personal information about another person without that person’s express consent.

Any personal information you provide will be stored securely by CSIRO on Australian-based servers. CSIRO may use the content of any submission you make in its outputs and publications, but will not publish any of your personal information without your express permission. CSIRO will not disclose any personal information you provide for the purposes of making a submission overseas or to any third parties.

For further information on how CSIRO handles your personal information and our access, correction and complaints process, please read our  Privacy Policy available on our website or by contacting us at


By sending this submission, you are agreeing to following terms and conditions.

  • The content you are providing is aimed at informing the development of citizen science in health and wellbeing and will be used for this purpose by CSIRO.
  • You are not providing personal health or wellbeing information. We want to design science that works for many people and is not focussed on a single person.
  • You will not provide personal information about another person without their express consent.
  • You are not providing content that is offensive or inappropriate.
  • If you choose to email us, you will be providing some of your personal information (your email address). This will be handled in line with CSIROs general Privacy Policy. The content will be stored separately to your email address and then your email address will be deleted. We therefore will not be able to delete your submission within a week of you sending it.
  • If you are submitting an anonymous form, this information will not be tied back to you and also will be unable to be withdrawn in the future.
  • You will receive no personal benefit for your submission, other than contributing to the development of a key science area.
  • You are 18 years of age or older.