Chart Your Fart: Participant Information Sheet
This Project
While some people can find them embarrassing and uncomfortable, passing wind is part of how a health body functions. Many people feel like they have excessive gas. But what is a normal amount per day for Australians? That is what we want you to help us with.
We are looking for people 14 years or older in Australia who have not recently made big changes to their diet.
What am I being asked to do?
1. Download our flatulence tracking app, “Chart Your Fart” from the App Store or Google Play.
2. Use the app to enter each time you pass wind for at least 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day. You will also have the option to rate your flatulence on other characteristics (like loudness, duration etc).
3. Complete an app evaluation to tell us what you think about it (optional)
Participation in this study is voluntary which means you do not have to take part. Your decision as to whether or not you want to be involved will not affect your current or future relationship with the researchers or anyone else at CSIRO.
What are the risks and benefits?
Taking part is not likely to directly benefit you. The data you record will be combined with other peoples to increase our understanding of flatulence. We will write our findings into a report which we will share on our website. You can read this when it is finished.
You will need to use your phone data to download the app. There are no other likely risks associated with participating in this study that we can see. When you sign up, we will also ask you to enter some information about you (like gender and age). This will help us to understand the type of people who took part in this study. It will also help us to compare flatulence rates in different groups of people. This information will not to be tied to your name, email or entries. There is no requirement to store your email, or name within the app.
Can I stop taking part?
You are free to stop taking part at any time by removing the app. Any data you have entered up until this point will be kept, because there is no way of linking your responses back to you.
The information you put in the app could be considered ‘sensitive data’ because it may tell you something about your health. You should think carefully about who you share your health data with.
We follow CSIRO’s Recordkeeping Procedure and all data collected as part of this study will be securely stored. Any publications or reports resulting from the study will only look at combined data. No single person’s data will be reported separately from others. Some data collected by the project may be shared with other researchers. Any data that is shared would only be those that have nothing that identifies you and does not include sensitive information. The reason we would share the data we collect is grow knowledge in this area.
You will need an account with the app store to get the app. The app does not link any information from your account to the app.
How will my information be used and how will my privacy be protected?
Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). CSIRO will handle your personal information in accordance with this Act. CSIRO has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that none of the information you provide can be connected to you, and, therefore, none of the information you provide should be considered personal information (more information is below).
CSIRO and Appliquette (the app designer) have ensured that mechanisms are in place to prevent us seeing, collecting, or keeping any personal information, as defined by the Privacy Act (i.e. information that can be identified as being about you). We ask for some demographic information, and an email address. However, your email address will be encrypted and the data you submit will be attached to a random number. You may further reduce risk or being identified by using an email address that does not contain your name.
You should be aware that in the unlikely event that your data is identified, the information could be considered sensitive information, as defined by the Privacy Act (for example, excessive flatulence may indicate a health issue, and health information is sensitive information). Generally, sensitive information should only be collected with your consent. By participating in this activity, you will have indicated that you consent the unlikely collection of your sensitive information.
It is anticipated that deidentified information obtained through the app may be published and/or presented in a variety of ways. This includes the production of a general report on flatulence and GI complaints and engagement with science by the public, as well as scientific journal publications and conference presentations. By downloading the app, you are indicating your consent for us to use the data as described.
You are free to withdraw at any time during the project. Unless requested, we will retain any personal information collected prior to your withdrawal from the study. If you request that we delete your personal information, we will do so if permitted by and in accordance with any applicable laws (including the Privacy Act and the Archives Act 1983 (Cth)).
For further information on how CSIRO handles your personal information and our access, correction and complaints process please read our privacy policy available on our website or by contacting us at
Ethics clearance
This study has been approved by CSIRO’s Low Risk Human Research Ethics Committee. It has been designed to meet the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018).
If you would like to speak with someone about ethical issues or wish to register a formal complaint about how this research has been undertaken, please contact the Secretary of the Committee via email at
Study contacts
Dr Emily Brindal Dr Gilly Hendrie
Project Leader Group Leader – Public Health and Wellbeing
CSIRO Health and Biosecurity CSIRO Health and Biosecurity
13 Kintore Avenue Level 7, SAHMRI, North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000 Adelaide SA 5000
Ph: (08) 8305 0633 Ph: (08) 8305 0622
Email: Email:
Thank you for taking the time to consider this research project