High Purity Alumina (HPA)

Development pathways for Australian High Purity Alumina (HPA)

Tranche 1: 2023-2026

Project title Lead agency Aim
High Purity Alumina (HPA) CSIRO Examine alternative routes to HPA from various feedstocks to reduce costs and emissions

CSIRO is investigating more efficient purification and processing techniques for HPA, which was added to Australia’s critical minerals list in March 2022.  The project aims to capitalise on Australia’s plentiful supply of aluminium-containing feedstocks and develop intellectual property to assist Australian companies to take advantage of this emerging market which could be applied to other critical minerals processing. This research is focussing on innovative approaches to purification methods typically associated with the production of HPA, by using a wide range of feedstocks and developing new analytical capability to benchmark HPA product quality.