
Technology metals production in Australia

Tranche 2: 2024-2026

Project name Lead agency Aim
Downstream value chain CSIRO, supported by GA and ANSTO Develop Australian IP and know-how to support high purity metals and minerals

CSIRO is developing intellectual property and knowhow needed to help downstream industries produce high purity metals and materials. This project seeks to extend Australian value chains for lithium and rare earths and add value to tungsten ores and refractory metals. The project aims to produce rare earth material for magnet-making industries, and lithium metal suitable for long-life one-use batteries and the next generation of solid-state lithium rechargeable batteries. Working with ANSTO, the project will also develop a deep technical understanding of the conversion of tungsten mineral concentrates to high value-added chemical concentrates and tungsten oxides, complementing concurrent refractory metals metallisation studies.
