Critical mineral by-product potential

Unlocking the Critical Mineral By-Product Potential of Existing Deposits

Tranche 2: 2024-2026

Project name Lead agency Aim
Critical Mineral By-Product Potential Geoscience Australia, supported by ANSTO and CSIRO Establish feasibility of a domestic industry for by-product minerals such as Ga, Ge, In

Geoscience Australia is leading research into development opportunities of a domestic industry for critical minerals – such as gallium, germanium and indium – which are often by-products from processing primary commodities such as zinc and bauxite. Geoscience Australia is developing methodologies and tools to help understand Australia’s geological resource potential for these critical mineral by-products and the CSIRO is assessing the techno-economic opportunities for Australia to produce these minerals from existing operations. Under this project, ANSTO will also explore the technical recovery of gallium from bauxite refining process liquors and determine the opportunity for Australia from existing bauxite refineries.