Report: Australia’s critical minerals mid-stream processing capabilities

CSIRO has developed a world-first assessment outlining Australia’s innovation capabilities and research and development opportunities essential for developing a cost-competitive and sustainable mid-stream processing industry manufacturing:

  • lithium-ion batteries
  • rare earth magnets
  • solar photovoltaic (PV).

The report offers foundational insights to guide decision-makers in understanding the technology landscape for processing—from commercially mature technologies to emerging disruptive pathways.

Three RD&D themes were identified as priorities to enable sovereign critical minerals processing across various supply chains:

  • Continuous and step change improvements on cost and sustainability
  • Maximising RD&D investment returns through cross-cutting capabilities and shared infrastructure
  • Integrating research from adjacent fields to support innovation and decision-making

This report was delivered by CSIRO and funded by Department of Industry, Science and Resources Critical Minerals Office and will inform the work of the Australian Critical Minerals Research and Development Hub.    

The reports can be downloaded on CSIRO’s website.​