Conferences and events

AusIMM Critical Minerals Conference

Join us again for Critical Conversations at this year’s AusIMM’s Critical Minerals Conference in Brisbane from 26-28 August 2024.

Critical Conversations, AusIMM Perth 2023.

The Hub sponsors Critical Conversations alongside the conference, a chance for delegates to discuss hot topics relating to critical minerals in a small group. Expert facilitators will ensure the conversation stays on track whilst drawing out the key issues from the group assembled. The discussions will run during break times. Some of the questions up for discussion this year include:

Can R&D support the economics of green premium?

How can we promote domestic R&D collaboration and attract international partners?

What are the biggest technical challenges in developing critical minerals projects?

See the full Critical Conversations program for details.

International Mining and Resources Conference

Join us at IMARC in Sydney from 29-31 October 2024. Details to come.