Water 1 – St Gregory’s College
St Gregory’s College students have developed a solution to transport water from the tallest building in their school to the water tank on the school farm.
Water Catchment Management System
The project that we have been working on is a type of water harvesting project. The problem is that lots of water collects on top of the tallest building in our school, this water needs to be transported to our water tank in the school farm which is a couple of hundred meters away. In this project we are also exploring ways of tapping into the unused energy that is generated by the movement of water. Using sustainable energy generation machines such as; a gravitational water turbine generator that runs off the flow of water passing through a pipe, the flow and momentum of the water travelling down a slope.
Some of the main challenges that we had encountered during this project was the measurements involved in piping size and buildings. Such as we needed to calculate what size pipe we needed so we found a formula for determining the radius of the pipe by using mean annual rainfall in mm x area in m² x runoff factor = collected rainwater in litres. This challenge had been a small obstacle that we had overcome by using a documented and reliable source. The numbers involved with these projects include an estimation of over 128,146,370.4L of water harvested in a year alone from that single 600m squared roof area.
Carmelo, Jacob, Josh and Isaac