Transport – Thomas Reddall High School
Students propose putting bus lanes in Campbelltown to allow free-flowing public transport, which will eventually include automated, self-driving, electric buses.
Our project is to make public transport more available to the public, and to do this we intend on taking slow steps towards a bigger picture. First, we plan on making bus lanes along Campbelltown’s main roads that usually are full of traffic. These bus lanes will allow buses to travel through traffic and arrive on time. Next, we plan on including electric buses. These buses will eventually be automated and self-driving. We also plan to create a maglev train that travels from Circular Quay to Goulburn.
This maglev train will replace an existing track and make long distance train travel faster. We took into consideration about whether it is too expensive, we also had to figure out which roads we can put bus lanes on without having to destroy houses or private property. To limit the cost and destruction, we decided to have a gradual rollout, and have the old buses replaced at the end of their life. One of our largest challenges was figuring out how to make all of our ideas longer lasting, so we have settled on making our transport services electric. We will benefit most of the people who live in Campbelltown. Thus, encouraging more people to use public transport. There are sustainability benefits as we are hoping to move to electric solar powered buses which do not rely on non-renewable resources and cause less pollution.
Edward, Zack, Jaxen and Jack