For industry

Generation STEM aims to build a strong community of citizens who live, learn, work, and play locally. Through the STEM Community Partnerships Program (STEM CPP), your business can inspire the next generation by demonstrating the real-world use of STEM skills, while promoting the range of career opportunities available to young people in their community.

Ways to get involved

  • Attend industry workshop
  • Become a mentor
  • Host a site visit
  • Attend the student showcase
  • Deliver a masterclass
  • Provide work experience opportunities to students

Benefits of joining the STEM CPP
Joining the STEM CPP is highly beneficial for employers. Being part of the program will help build a talent pool of highly skilled ‘work-ready’ students ready to transition to the local STEM workforce. It’s also an opportunity for you to partner with local schools and showcase the importance of your company and industry to the local community, increasing awareness of your brand.

Best of all, there’s no cost for employers to be part of the STEM CPP.