SEAView2 (2015-2023)
The SEAView website was a portal for accessing and exploring libraries of run-results from Atlantis and InVitro “whole of system” modelling projects from around Australia.
The first version of the SEAView website was developed by the Atlantis modelling team, and available from The site was refreshed and upgraded by the Coastal Informatics team in late 2015 to support the addition of the Gladstone Harbour model results, and SEAView2 was available at from 2016 until the website was decommissioned in July 2023.
SEAView2 included information about and results from the following ecosystem models:
Atlantis South-East
Atlantis-SE was developed to explore alternative management arrangements for the Australian Southern Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. This model included a dynamic ecosystem, as well as all the fleets active in the region.
Atlantis SEAP
Atlantis-SEAP was used to consider the implications of climate change for marine ecosystems in the southeast of Australia. Its focus was on the shelf of south-eastern Australia.
InVitro Ningaloo
InVitro-Ningaloo was developed to improve our understanding of the reef and the natural processes that support it so that managers could make well informed decisions about the management of the Ningaloo Marine Park and the region.
Gladstone Harbour Model
The Gladstone Harbour Model was developed for the Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership (GHHP). It integrates hydrodynamic models of connectivity in the Gladstone Harbour to a number of other ecological, economic and social models and factors, so that the flow-on effects of ecological or economic changes can be modelled and summarised.

Screenshot of the landing page of the SEAView2 website which was available at htt[s://
Screenshot of the landing page of the SEAView2 website which was available at htt[s://
Access to data from SEAView2
If you have any questions about the the Atlantis and InVitro model results that were hosted and visualised on the SEAView2 website, please use the form below to contact Dr Beth Fulton: