Coastal Research Portal (2011-2023)

January 1st, 2011

The Coastal Research Portal was a website that allowed any Australian agency to register information about their Coastal Research Projects as a way to show how much coastal research work was happening in Australia, and where that research was taking place.  It was intended as a way to let coastal councils and other stakeholders find information on coastal research projects, identify research initiatives in their local region, and access the findings of those projects.

The Coastal Informatics team built this website in a previous incarnation of the team in 2011 with funding from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), and hosted and maintained the site until it was decommissioned in July 2023.  At the time the site was taken offline, there were 179 agencies registered with the site, as a mix of government departments at all levels of government, local councils, natural resource management groups, commercial industry, research institutions, and community groups.   Those agencies carried out, funded or were otherwise affiliated with more than 120 different Australian coastal research projects.

The team behind the website would like to thank all the users who contributed information about your research projects over the more than 10 years that the Coastal Research Portal was in operation, and gratefully acknowledge the guidance of the Steering Committee and support from TERN. 


Screenshot of the landing page of the Coastal Research Portal from some time in 2015

Screenshot of the Coastal Research Portal homepage from about 2015

Screenshot of the landing page of the Coastal Research Portal from some time in 2015


When the Coastal Research Portal was online, it was accessible at   Snapshots of the site may now be able to be viewed on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.    If you were a contributor to this website and would like a copy of the data you contributed, please use the form below to let us know the username or email address that your website account was registered with.