Coastal Cluster Website (2013-2024)
The Coastal Collaboration Cluster was a 3-year cooperative research program funded by CSIRO’s Flagship Collaboration Fund to identify the key social and institutional barriers and enablers to the uptake of science in the management of the coastal zone.

Coastal Cluster Research Themes
The cluster’s research was divided into five thematic study groups were established: Governance Systems; Knowledge Systems; Socio-cultural Context; Adaptive Learning; and Synthesis. Each study group worked individually and collectively to inform four linked outcome objectives:
Achieving better connection of science with the needs of governments, communities and industries addressing coastal management challenges.
- Making science outcomes more accessible for communities, industry and government seeking to understand and adapt to pressures on the coastal economic, social and environmental systems.
- Supporting application of trans-disciplinary data and knowledge in coastal decision making systems.
- Enabling comprehensive improvements to Australian coastal zone management.
At least 90 publications were generated from this research, including 44 peer-reviewed Journal Papers and 4 books.
Coastal Cluster Partner Agencies:
CSIRO | Curtin University Sustainibility Institute | Deakin University | Flinders University | Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies | University of Adelaide | University of Tasmania | University of the Sunshine Coast | University of Wollongong |
Coastal Cluster Website History
The CSIRO Coastal Informatics team took over responsibility for the Coastal Cluster’s web presence from Curtin University in June 2013. We migrated a legacy website to the Drupal Content Management System, with the assistance of a number of editors from amoung the Cluster researchers. This replacement site hosted content for each cluster research theme, biographies of key cluster researchers and a comprehensive list of references. It was maintained pro bono for 10 years until decommissioned in July 2024.
Access to content from the Coastal Cluster Website
An archive copy of the website has been retained in case a new home can be found for this content. Please contact the team using the “Contact Us” link in the menu above if you have any questions about the availability of this information.