Project Description

RWQM3 Project Description

The modelling strategy included the implementation of two hydrodynamic models: one with coarser resolution on a larger regional domain covering SEQ, nested directly into the ocean forecasting model in BlueLink, and a second with fine resolution focused on Moreton Bay and associated key estuaries and passages.

The proposed strategy included a wave model to allow the prediction of the effects of wave energy on sediment resuspension and deposition. Again, a nested strategy has been followed, with a coarser resolution wave model on a larger domain used to predict the propagation of ocean swell into the region, and a fine-scale model used to address interactions of swell and wind-waves with bathymetry inside the Bay.

A model of sediment dynamics has been implemented on the finer hydrodynamic model grid. The use of an offline semi-Lagrangian transport model allows the sediment model to run relatively fast compaed with the hydrodynamic model.

Finally, a biogeochemical model has been implemented on the finer hydrodynamic model grid. Implementation of this model is still at an early stage as it depends on satisfactory output from the underpinning hydrodynamic, wave and sediment models.

In Stage 1 of the RWQM V3 on the period of focus is from July 2007 to May 2008, which included some significant river discharges, at least into the Southern Bay. We have acquired the necessary forcing data for this period for all models, including meteorological data and ocean boundary conditions for hydrodynamics and waves. We have used the existing catchment models to hindcast river flows and loads for this period, and acquired data to support estimates of point source loads.

Details of the modelling elements may be found by using the relevant sub-pages.