OCNBATH – Bathymetry and River Routing

This namelist configures ocnbath that is used to calculate ocean/lake bathymetry and also determine river routing.  Ocnbath is called from the command line according to

ocnbath -s 1000 < ocnbath.nml

where the -s switch controls how much data is processed in memory.  Increasing the value of -s also increases the amount of memory used, but can speed-up ocnbath.  The namelist switches are as follows


bathout – Output file containing bathymetry and river routing data.  To be read by CCAM. 

topofile – Topography file created by terread (to define land/sea mask)

bathdatafile – Location of etopo1_ice_c.flt bathymetry data

riverdatapath – Location of river routing *.bil files

fastocn – When True, then ocnbath pre-aggregates data on lat/lon grid to improve speed

bathfilt – When True, applies a 2*dx filter to smooth bathymetry

binlimit – Minimum number of input data points that need to be included in an output grid point before switching from aggregation to interpolation.