IGBPVEG – Vegetation, Soil and Urban

This namelist configures igbpveg to produce land-cover datasets for CCAM with the CABLE land-surface model.  IGBPVEG is run from the command line

igbpveg -s 1000 < igbpveg.nml

where the -s switch controls how much data is processed in memory.  Larger values of -s increase memory usage, but can speed-up igbpveg.  The namelist options are described below.


month – Month of the year (month=1-12) to process land-cover data.  Specifically, month determines what LAI data is used for the output file.  month=0 processes all months of the year.

topofile – Input topography file which determines the cubic grid and (possibly) land-sea mask.

newtopfile – Output topography file.  This file is created for when the user specifies that the land-use dataset should determine the land-sea mask.  Hence newtopofile contains the modified topography file to account for the land-sea changes.

landtypeout – Output land-use file.  In NetCDF mode, the landtypeout file contains all the land-use data for a specified month.  This file is used by the CCAM simulation.

veginput – Specifies the location of the land-use classification input file (i.e., gigbp2_0ll.img)

soilinput – Specify location of the soil texture input file (i.e., usda4.img)

laiinput – Specify the directory where the LAI data is located (i.e., slai*.img)

albvisinput – Specify the location of the visible soil albedo input file (i.e., salbvis223.img)

albnirinput – Specify the location of the near-infrared soil albedo input file (i.e., salbnir223.img)

fastigbp – Option to improve the processing speed of igbpveg (fastigbp=.true.), by aggregating data on the lat/lon grid.

igbplsmask – When set to .true., this option specifies that the land-sea mask should be determined by the land-use data.

binlimit – Specifies when igbpveg should switch from binning data to using nearest neighbour.  binlimit=2 indicates that there should be at least 2 x 2 grid points used from the input data for binning in an output grid point.

tile – When set to .true., allows multiple vegetation tiles and LAI to be assigned to a grid point.

output mode – Specifies the format of the output land-use data.  When using ‘cablepft’, then the output indices are for CABLE plant functional types.  When using ‘igbp’ then output indices are in terms of IGBP vegetation classes.

pftconfig – Input file that defines plant functional type parameters

mapconfig – Input file that relates indices in the input file to plant functional types

atebconfig – Input file that defines the parameters for different urban classes

user_veginput – User specified land-cover data that is used to override the default land-cover data for the specified domain

ovegfrac – Option to use vegtype fractions to determine land use type instead of land_cover (default f)

user_laiinput – User specified LAI data that is used to override the default LAI data for the specified domain