&turbnml – Turbulent mixing and gravity wave drag

Namelist options for boundary layer turbulent mixing and gravity wave drag

Gravity wave drag

ngwd – Coefficient to limit launching height

helim – Maximum launching height

fc2 – Coefficient for calculating Froude number

sigbot_gwd – Lowest sigma level for gravity wave drag

alphaj – Coefficient for Chouinard et al model

Boundary layer eddy diffusivity

buoymeth – Method used for calculating buoyancy.  buoymeth=0 for Durran and Klempt 1982, buoymeth=1 for Marquet and Geleyn 2012, buoymeth=2 for dry convection.

stabmeth, – Method for calculating stability.  stabmeth=0 for Beljarrs and Holtslag 1991.  stabmeth=1 for Luhar correction.

cm0, ce0, ce1, ce2, ce3 – Coefficients for k-e turbulence closure model.

cq – Mixing enhancement to compensate for the absence of a counter gradient term.

maxdts – Maximum time-step for the k-e model.

mintke – Minimum value of turbulent kinetic energy

mineps – Minimum value of eddy dissipation

minl, maxl – Minimum and maximum length scale

Boundary layer mass flux

be – Coefficient for surface boundary condition 

ent0, ent1 – Constants to define the entrainment parameterisation

entc0, dtrc0 – Entrainment and detrainment rates for saturated air

m0 – Mass flux amplitude constant

b1, b2 – Updraft entrainment and buoyancy coefficients

qcmf – Critical mixing ratio for liquid water before autoconversion