&skyin – Radiation and aerosols

These namelist options modify the behaviour of radiation and aerosols.


mins_rad – Period to update radiation in mins.  Setting mins_rad=-1 will automatically select a value based on the grid resolution.

qgmin – Minimum value of water vapor mixing ratio.

sw_resolution – Selects number of radiation bands with sw_resolution=’high’ or sw_resolution=’low’

sw_diff_streams – Number of streams for diffuse radiation with 1 or 4 as valid options

liqradmethod – Method for calculating effective water droplet radius.  Currently the only valid option is 0 for Martin et al 1994

iceradmethod – Method for calculating effective ice droplet radius.  iceradmethod=0 for Lohmann et al 1999, iceradmethod=1 for Donner et al 1997, iceradmethod=2 for Fu 2007.

bpyear – Modifies orbital parameters for paleoclimate simulations.  Valid options are 0, 6000 and 21000 years before present.


ch_dust – Scale factor for dust emission model

zvolcemi – Scale factor for volcanic emission model

so4radmethod – Turns on (so4radmethod=0) and off (so4radmethod=-1) SO4 aerosol direct effects

carbonradmethod – Turns on (carbonradmethod=0) and off (carbonradmethod=-1) carbonaceous aerosol direct effects

dustradmethod – Turns on (dustradmethod=0) and off (dustradmethod=-1) dust aerosol direct effects

seasaltradmethod – Turns on (seasaltradmethod=0) and off (seasaltradmethod=-1) sea-salt aerosol direct effects

aeroindir – Controls aerosol indirect effects with aeroindir=0 for SO4+Carb+Salt, aeroindir=1 for SO4 and aeroindir=2 for off

so4mtn – Mass to number conversion for SO4.  Modifies indirect effects.

carbmtn – Mass to number conversion for carbonaceous aerosols.  Modifies indirect effects.

saltsmallmtn – Mass to number conversion for sea-salt film mode.  Modifies direct effects.

saltlagemtn – Mass to number conversion for sea-salt jet mode.  Modifies direct effects.