&mlonml – Ocean, lakes, rivers and sea-ice

These namelist options modify the behaviour of oceans, lakes rivers and sea-ice in the model.

Ocean dynamics 

mlodiff – Modifies horizontal diffusion with mlodiff=0 for T,U,V&S and mlodiff=1 for T&S.

ocnsmag – Coefficient for Smagorinsky closure

ocneps – Off-centring term for ocean dynamics (-1 is fully explicit, 0 is half explicit and half implicit and 1 is fully implicit)

usetide – Include tidal forcing with usetide=0 for off and usetide=1 for on

zomode – Roughness length calculation over water with 0=Charnock and 2=Beljaars

zoseaice – Roughness length for sea-ice in meters

factchseaice – Ratio of roughness length between momentum and heat for sea-ice

minwater – Minimum amount of water allowed in the column

mxd – Maximum depth of the water column

mindep – Maximum depth of the first model level

mlofix – Conservation method

River routing 

rivermd – River routing method (rivermd=0 for Miller and rivermd=1 for Manning)

basinmd – River routing method for inland depressions (basinmd=0 for drain into soil)

rivercoeff – River routing roughness coefficient