&datafile – File locations

This namelist is for specifying input and output filenames.

Initial conditions and output

ifile – Initial conditions in conformal cubic format.  Missing data can be diagnosed under some circumstances (e.g., soil temperatures)

surf_00 – Optional input to replace soil data in conformal cubic format (overwrites soil data from ifile).  Typically used in NWP applications to use soil data from previous forecast.

ofile – Output history file in conformal cubic format.  Can be used as a restart file, although data is compressed.

restfile – Output restart file in conformal cubic format.  Saves model prognostic variables without compression for a subsequent restart.  Typically used at the end of each simulation month.

surfile – High frequency output file in conformal cubic format.  Saves model output for uas, vas, tas, ps, rnd and rnc.  Typically used to save model output every time-step.

save_aerosols = T to save various aerosol values

save_pbl = T to save pbl information

save_cloud = T to save cloud information (lo,mid,hi, …)

save_land = T to save information about land surface

save_maxmin = T to save daily maximum/minimum values (such as tas, rnd24)

save_ocean = T to save ocean information

save_radiation = T to save radiation parameters

save_urban = T to save urban scheme values

save_carbon = T to save parameters related to the land surface carbon scheme

save_river = T to save river flow information

Nudging and Sea Surface Temperature data

mesonest – Host dataset for nudging in conformal cubic format.

sstfile – Monthly Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice.  Typically used for AMIP style experiments.

Vertical level data

eigenv – Specifies vertical levels.  CCAM recomputes eigenvectors are run-time.

Topography files

topofile – Specifies surface geopotential height, land-sea mask and standard deviation of sub-grid orography heights.

vegprev – Optional input for specifying vegetation data for the previous month into the past for interpolation.

vegfile – Specified vegetation data for the current month, including vegetation type, Leaf Area Index, soil texture, albedo, urban fraction and urban type.  Also optionally includes Plant Functional Type configuration data and urban category configuration data.

vegnext – Optional input for specifying vegetation data for the next month into the future for interpolation.

vegnext2 – Optional input for specifying vegetation data for the next two months into the future for interpolation.

bathfile – Optional input for specifying bathymetry and river routing data

Radiation files

radfile – Specifies greenhouse gas concentrations

o3file – Specifies ozone concentrations

cnsdir – Specifies location of radiation datafiles

Aerosol files 

so4tfile – For prognostic aerosols (iaero=2 or iaero=-2), specifies the aerosol emission data.  For prescribed aerosols (iaero=1), specifies the SO4 burden.

oxidantfile – Specifies oxidant concentrations for the prognostic aerosol scheme.

Carbon cycle files

casafile – Emission data for the carbon cycle model.

phenfile – Specifies plant phenology data for the CASA carbon cycle model.