
The CCAM pd60_run.sh or run_ccam.py scripts should automatically determine the appropriate time-step for the CCAM model.  Below is a list of example time-steps for a given simulation resolution that are typically used by CCAM.  Note that the recommended time-step, dt, is specified as a factor of 1 hour.

Required simulation resolution Recommended CCAM time-step dt
>= 60 km dt = 1200 secdt =
>= 45 km dt = 900 secdt d
>= 36 km dt = 720 sec
>= 30 km dt = 600 sec
>=18 km dt = 360 sec
>= 15 km dt = 300 sec
>= 12 km dt = 240 sec
>= 9 km dt = 180 sec
>= 6 km dt = 120 sec
>= 5 km dt = 90 sec
>= 4 km dt = 80 sec
>= 3 km dt = 60 sec
>= 2 km dt = 40 sec
>= 1 km dt = 20 sec
>= 500 m dt = 10 sec
>= 200 m dt = 4 sec
>= 100 m dt = 2 sec