CDFVIDAR – Process Lat/Lon Input to Cubic

Cdfvidar is used to convert GCM, reanalyses, analyses or other weather and climate data into initial conditions or mesonest host files for nudging with the conformal cubic format.  Input files are usually formatted as described in the table below.  Typically the input files are on pressure levels (hPa) or sigma-pressure levels.

Name Units Dimension  cdfvidar name in input netcdf file
Geopotential height (optional) m 3D hgt, z or geop_ht
Air temperature K 3D temp, ta or air_temp
U-component of wind m/s 3D u, ua or zonal_wnd
V-component of wind m/s 3D v, va or merid_wnd
Relative humidity % or fraction 3D rh or relhum

Water vapour mixing ratio

(as an alternative to relative humidity)

kg/kg 3D mix_rto or hus
Surface geopotential height m 2D zs, orog, topo or topog

Surface temperature

(including sea surface temperature)

K 2D tss, tos or sfc_temp
Mean sea level pressure (optional) Pa 2D mslp, psl or pmsl
Surface pressure Pa 2D ps or sfc_pres
Land/sea mask (sea=0, land>0) index 2D  land, lsm, sftlf, sfc_lsm or land_mask
Sea ice cover fraction (optional) fraction 2D  fracice, sic or seaice
Snow depth (optional) m 2D  snod or snow_amt_lnd
 Soil temperature (optional) 3D  soil_temp
 Soil moisture (optional) m3/m3  3D  soil_moist 

Cdfvidar is call from the command line

cdfvidar < cdf.nml

The namelist switches used by cdfvidar are described below:


kl – Number of vertical levels

t_file – Input air temperature

rh_file – Input relative humidity or mixing ratio or specific humidity

u_file – Input zonal wind

v_file – Input meridonal wind

z_file – (optional) input geopotential height

lsm_file – input land-sea mask

zs_file – input surface geopotential height

ps_file – input surface pressure

psl_file – (optional) input mean sea level pressure

ts_file – input surface temperature (or tos for water)

sic_file – (optional) input sea-ice fraction

snod_file – (optional) input snow depth file

soiltemp_file – (optional) input soil temperature file

soilmois_file – (optional) input soil moisture file

inf – (optional) single file input with all variables.  Used for backwards compatibility.

zsfil – Topography file (from terread) to be used to remap the meteorological data

vfil – Output file for the conformal cubic grid

sgml – List of sigma levels for vertical interpolation