AEROEMISS – Aerosol emssions

AEROEMISS creates aerosol emissions for CCAM.  Prognostic aerosols can influence the CCAM simulation through direct effects on the simulated radiation, as well as indirect effects with the cloud microphysics.  The command line argument for AEROEMISS is shown below:

aeroemiss -o < aero.nml

where is the aerosol emission file on the cubic grid.  aero.nml is the AEROEMISS namelist with variables described below.


month – Month of the year to process aerosol emissions (1-12)

topofile – Topography file (from TERREAD) used to configure the CCAM grid

so2_anth – Input data file for anthropogenic SO2 emissions

so2_ship – Input data file for ship SO2 emissions

so2_biom – Input data file for biomass burning SO2 emissions

bc_anth – Input data file for anthropogenic black carbon emissions

bc_ship – Input data file for ship black carbon emissions

bc_biom – Input data file for biomass burning black carbon emissions

oc_anth – Input data file for anthropogenic organic carbon emissions

oc_ship – Input data file for ship organic carbon emissions

oc_biom – Input data file for biomass burning organic carbon emissions

volcano – Input data file for volcanic emissions

dmsfile – Input data file for DMS and natural organics

dustfile – Input data file for dust emissions