Surface and boundary layer output variables

Standard name

qgscrn (kg/kg) 

huss (kg/kg)

Screen mixing ratio

rhscrn (%) 

hurs (%) 

Screen relative humidity

runoff (mm/day) 

mrro (kg/m2/s) 

wetfac (none)  Surface wetness fraction

alb (none)

Surface albedo
u10 (m/s)  sfcWind (m/s)  10m wind speed
d10 (deg) 10m wind direction

uas (m/s) 

vas (m/s)

x-component 10m wind

y-component 10m wind

rs (none)

rsmin (none)

Stomatal resistance (with CABLE land-surface)

Minimum stomatal resistance (with Mk3 land-surface)

tpan (K)  Pan temperature
maxrnd (mm/day)  prmax (kg/m2/s)  Maximum precipitation rate in a timestep

rndNN (mm)

rnd24 (mm)

NN hr precipitation

24 hr precipitation

sigmf (none) Vegetation fraction
u1max (m/s) x-component max level 1 wind
v1max (m/s) y-component max level 1 wind
sunhours (hrs) sund (s)  Sunshine hours
wetfrac1-6 (none) Wetness fraction for layer 1-6
snc (%)  Snow area fraction
lai (none)  Leaf Area Index
snd (mm)  snw (kg/m2)  Snow depth (liquid water)
snm (mm/day) snm (kg/m2/s)  Snow melt
rnc (mm/day)  prc (kg/m2/s)  Convective precipitation
rnd (mm/day)  pr (kg/m2/s)  Precipitation
sno (mm/day) prsn (kg/m2/s)  Snowfall
grpl (mm/day) Graupelfall
swater (mm)  River water depth
evap (mm)  River discharge
ubot (m/s)  Eastward wind at lowest sigma level
vbot (m/s)  Northward wind at lowest sigma level
u2max (m/s) x-component max level 2 wind
v2max (m/s) y-component max level 2 wind
u10max (m/s) x-component max 10m wind
v10max (m/s) y-component max 10m wind
sfcWindmax (m/s) Maximum 10m wind speed
fwet (none) Fraction of the canopy that is wet

tsu (K)

 ts (K) Surface temperature
pblh (m) zmla (m)  PBL depth
qbot (kg/kg)  Specific humidity at lowest sigma level
tbot (K)  Air temperature at lowest sigma level
 tgg1-6 (K)  Soil temperature level 1-6
sdischarge (m3/s)  River discharge
mrros (mm/day)   mrros (kg/m2/s) Surface runoff

tscrn (K)

 tas (K)  Screen temperature
uscrn (m/s)  Screen level wind speed
zolnd (m)  Surface roughness
tmaxscr (K) tasmax (K) Maximum screen temperature
tminscr (K) tasmin (K) Minimum screen temperature
wb1-6_ave (m3/m3) Average soil moisture level 1-6
rhmaxscr (%) Maximum screen relative humidity
rhminscr (%) Minimum screen relative humidity
mrso (kg/m2)  Total soil moisture content
mrfso (kg/m2)  Soil frozen water content